View Full Version : Huggles for Rousel

07-09-10, 02:53
Well some of you know this guy and some of you dont, but I can tell you all he is amazing, helpful and caring.

He's having a rough time of it with the pains etc that he has been dealing with over the years and he feels he is getting worse :(.

The poor guy is so low he thinks that he will say something to someone that will offend them.

So guy lets give him HUGE HUGS, as he deserves them :)


07-09-10, 03:14
hey rous hun big hugs for ya and here for ya when ever

tc lea

07-09-10, 13:44

07-09-10, 13:54
:hugs: hugs to you .xx

Vanilla Sky
07-09-10, 14:35
Loads of hugs for you Rousel :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Love Paige xx

09-09-10, 08:57
Thx for all your hugs & huggles, all appreciated folks. :D

Things aren't so good for me, I thought I was getting/feeling better but alas maybe I'm not, begining to think I was too soon in my thinking. :weep:

I honestly don't know how long I can hold myself together nowadays. :blush:

Take care & be safe to you all. Hugs.

Additional forgotten bit :

I'm not feeling up to using Chat again yet. Soz. :weep:

It was pointed out to me recently that I'm (definitely) not the person I was last year when I was on here regulary, I used to be there for anyone & everyone that needed help, even if it was just a friendly hug. I'm beginning to see now just how much I've changed, I see now how over this last year & more I have regressed back beyond the point I was at during those hellish times of my life long long ago.

I'm sorry to my old friends that I'm not who I was but now who I was a very long time ago. Forgive me.

Granny Primark
09-09-10, 13:13
Theres no need for apologies rousel.
Im sure this is a blip and given time you will be back to that caring person that we knew and loved.
Loads of big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-09-10, 21:07
Thx Lynn, I hope so too.:blush:

Granny Primark
09-09-10, 21:24
Its time for us to care for you now.
You just stop worrying and concentrate on getting better.
Easier said than done I know, but ive got every confidence that you will.

09-09-10, 21:52
Hi Rousel,

Take some time to care for you, no one expects you to be there for them all the time. Let your friends here be there for a while, it's what friends do:blush:



10-09-10, 22:05
Thx Lynn & Lynnann (ok, that's confusing to me lol :wacko:)

Love the pic, saved it. :blush:

I had a bad night last night wae the pains, I passed out again today wae it.
I love sleeping coz I see those I lost, but everytime I wake wae nightmares. :weep:

Bad night/bad day.

Thx again. Take care & be safe.

11-09-10, 18:15
Hi Rousel,

I hope today has been a little better for you :)


~glowly worm~
11-09-10, 21:40
Hugs Hugs H U hugshu HUGS :)
H H u g h g U
ugshugshu g s u S gshugs
g g hugs gshugsH H
s s U U
Hugs Hugs UGShugS ugshuG

some rather wonky hugs just for you...Rousel :) although looks more like huge but u can think of it as a huge hug from a sranger? :)
Hope u feel better very soon!


~glowly worm~
11-09-10, 21:41
just to explain it didnt work how it was meant to.. was meant to spell out hugs :/ never mind :) twas fun to attempt ;)

12-09-10, 02:54
I slept thru most of today Lynnann, actually passed out again, only woke a wee while ago. So far I'm still messed up both in the head & physically, I really shud use my bed to sleep but it's in another room & under more than a dozen boxes that I've never unpacked. :blush:

Even tho I slept most of the day it was the usual sleep, nice dreams followed by the same nightmare then waking up to the pain then drifting back off because of it. If it wasn't so annoying I think I might get used to it. :blush:

Thx Glowly, much appreciated, if I squint up my eyes real hard & imagine I can see the big HUGS. :D

Take care & be safe to you both.

~glowly worm~
12-09-10, 08:31
Awww Rousel it sounds so tough :(
I know nothing realltabout ur situation and this might feel impossible for you right now esp with the pain:( But if you could manage even to unpack one thing from a box each day it might help? And before u know it ud have a bedroom again :) x

Its ok if you cant though, just be gentle with yourself and know people here really care x

Glad you could make out the big hugs :)



12-09-10, 12:53
I moved to this flat from a 4 bedroom house, losing most of my furniture but not the other 'junk', I think I moved here around 2 years ago...:unsure:

actually I honestly couldn't remember there when I moved, I had to go look through my papers and according to them it was last year, I remember it was 2008 when I joined here and it was the feb/mar the following year I moved, that was last year... blimey. :ohmy:

I moved to this tiny 1 bedroom flat to be closer to Mum, if I'd known what was in store then I would have stayed but that's hindsight talking ain't it.

Anyhoo (rambling again), my flat is stuffed full of boxes & up-opened bags, I think I could probably throw most of it out, I still have the wedding photos from my divorced marraige, who knows why.:blush:

I managed to put a brief kinda history (ok I missed out a lot, all the other trubs I've had, and just focused on my health LOL :laugh: but I explained it pretty well I think) up on to my facebook info page, if ye have facebook glowly ye can see it. :)

Ok, rambling again, I'm going to go hide now. :blush:

~glowly worm~
13-09-10, 10:41
Hi again Rousel,

sorry it took me a while to get back to you, been batling with the roads again ;) (am in progress of battling a travel phobia).

Re the papers, its not ata ll sily to have kept the photos & paperwork.
I put off getting rid of photos i shoudl have disgarded years ago just because of the effort and sometoimes the memories, so dont feel bad.

The brain trauma sounds horrendous no wonder it has made you feel so lousy, especially that it is slowly spreading :( And with all the other horrible things :(

A friend of mine was crippled in pain once and he asked his GP for a tens machine, i dont know if you have heard of these or even if it is appropriate for you but they can help to ease the pain and i beleive you can borrow one from most GP surgerys.

Never hide from us Rousel, we are all here to help each other, even if its just to send another hug :)
And by the way, i love the scottish that creeps into your posts it makes them unique :)

Warm wishes of comfort,

~Glowly~ x

Going home
13-09-10, 11:18
I'm sending you a hug today too...take care :hugs:

Anna xx

14-09-10, 05:55
Thx Anna. :hugs:

Glowly, I hope ye get on well against yer travel phobia, hope ye beat it in the end.:hugs:

I tried a tens machine for a while but it wudn't go high enough to help, tho I did find it useful for keeping my leg muscles from further atrifeed (not sure I spelt that right), the doc I have now specialises in pain & has over the last year incresed my gabapentin dosage to 2400mg per day, 600mg more than the british limit but he can do it legally coz it's his speciality. It's due to be increased again by another 800mg. I used to have fentanyl (durogesic) patches but I'm allergic to all types of gum (plays hell wae me as all maner of gums are in foods) so I cudn't use them as the sking just came away thus the drug never got in much. :blush:

I try hard not to slip in to Scottish but when ye get in to a typing rythmn when making long posts, like I tend to do, ye never notice it till after. lol

I'm going to make another post here soon, shortly after I finish a few things first, today was a terrible day & I did something I'm so ashamed to admit I've been contemplating the final option (again) but I'll explain it all in the new post I'll make, I'm so stupid for doing what I did. :weep:

My thanks to everyone for the hugs here, they've kept me going.

Take care & be safe.

~glowly worm~
14-09-10, 17:29
Helo Rousel :)

Sorry to hear you have tried tens already and it wasnt as helpful as we would like :( But really glad you have what sounds like an excellent and helpful specialist!

i wonder if there are any forums out there like this one, who specialise in pain? and could help you? Although i undertstand its hard finding a decent one and one as good as this and social anxiety may prevent you wantng to...just a thought. Just read your other post and am so very sorry things are that tought for you at mo, but will reply to that one seperately.

Thanks for hte wishes re the travel phobia, its coming on nicely thnaks to wonderful NMP :D x

You be gentle on yourself, thinking of you,

Warm wishes,


14-09-10, 17:35
Thx Glowly,

when I went to see my current doc the first thing he said was... lets sort the pain 1st then we'll sort yer head, he was the 1st doc to say it that way round, all the other docs wanted to give me meds for my head and not sort the pain, they dinnae realise it was the pain making me depressed, well more depressed than I was already LOL.

I searched around a while for a pain related site but they all turned out to be fake front pages for pain med/therapy companies who wanted money, not the kinda place I like.

Glad yer getting thru yer phobia well, like I said in the other thread on a later post, I doubt I'd be alive if it wasn't for nmp coming up on google that night 2 years ago, it was a god send. :blush:

Take care & be safe. :hugs: