View Full Version : mornings....

07-09-10, 09:11
why oh why are the mornings oh so bad!

i go to bed every night in a positive mood....saying tomorrow will be different but this blanket of high anxiety and panic will not shift!

i've walked my dog....trying to keep myself busy but it is still here....help.....i just want to feel "normal" again....if you know wot i mean.

these morning terrors are wearing me out...i feel so exhausted and so utterly utterly utterly lost!:emot-crying:

07-09-10, 10:00
Oh Calm, I know exactly what you mean!

The way I get through it is pure and simpple distraction and not too much thinking time. I have come to accept that this is the way it is for now, and knowing the afternoons and evenings will be better and will bring some relief is progress.

What dog have you got? I have 2 westies, one boy and one girl, and they are great company.

07-09-10, 10:28
oh god its so so awful isnt it.

i have a jack russell called ruby....and yes she is great company as i can imagine yours are xxxxx

im at such a loss dont know wot to do xxxx

Veronica H
07-09-10, 10:29
Hi Calm

The morning thing is very common with panic anxiety and it is simply down to the fact that we are a 'bag of chemicals'. After the nights rest we have to kick start our metabolisms again and this can be too much for over sensitised nerves. As your nerves recover this will improve...honest:).


07-09-10, 10:34
oh veronica...thank you my love...i need to calm down...do my breathing exercises....and relax...sounds simple.....if only xxxx

i do hope you are both ok xxxx once again thank you to you both for your replies xxxx

07-09-10, 10:43
Hello, I am too the same in the mornings, very hot, high anxiety, breathing affected feel anything could make me panic. It is not nice, but will get easier :)

07-09-10, 10:45
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - i do so hope so....thank you for answering my thread xxxx it means oh so much that you all take the time...ok....calm calm calm calm!!!! today is going to be a good day....now i need to believe it.

i hope angels that you feel better soon too xxxx evenings are such a god send xxxx

this site is so so fantastic....its my lifeline xxxxx