View Full Version : I can't go on feeling like this anymore...

07-09-10, 11:04

Does anyone else feel like they just can't take it anymore?

I live my life in constant fear that I'm dying... I feel so alone and depressed and constantly anxious.

I don't know what to do to make it better.

Does anyone else worry that you will live your life like this forever???


07-09-10, 11:11
i know how you feel i have been feeling really bad this week and last to the point i think im going to have a break down, i find it hard to explain the feelings of utter terror i feel at times it seems like no one understands apart from on this site, im glad i found this.
i do find that relaxation cds help me to chill out a bit a night time especially guided ones as it gives my mind something else to focus on.
I do hope you start to feel better.


07-09-10, 11:14
oh my loves...i feel like this too....i am at my wits end....just want to break this blasted cycle....please god it gets better for all of us xxxxx

07-09-10, 11:18
I feel the same guys :( At least with the sertraline I'm taking I can function and go to work but I still feel worried a lot of the time and I'm so sick of it.

07-09-10, 11:42
I'm trying a "positive thinking" approach today and it seems to be working. I notice my "symptoms" get a lot worse when I'm anxious.

Moonlight - how have you found Sertraline? I'm on week 2 now and it makes me very jittery after I've taken it for a few hours, and very lightheaded. Of course my anxiety tells me it's not the pills but something else...



07-09-10, 12:18
Been feeling like this the last 5 days myself. It really does sux being controlled like this even though you keep telling yourself positive thoughts, for me they never outweigh the negative. I contantly feel physically ill, even when thinking good things.

07-09-10, 12:26
it is oh so awful and i understand completely wot you mean by the negative outweighing the positive....i know we need to be strong but the exhaustion is so so bad!
lets hope we all have a better afternoon xxxx

07-09-10, 14:42
It's awful when you have such a bad day, at least here we know we are not alone. I always get so angry with myself as I feel I bring it all on myself and am just wearing myself out. If only we could just 'pull ourselves together' Does anyone else feel as though nobody including doctors understand what it's like. Let's all take a deep breath and calm down.

07-09-10, 16:48
oh gloria...i visited my counsellor from the surgery and well lets just say she had no idea.
i asked for techniques and she kindly told me that they are and i quote and these are her words "those are all crap".....i just felt like screaming!

i know im bringing all these anxieties onto myself...thinking about the past and when i got ill and the affects on my daughter...but i just want someone professionally to talk with...cannot pay privately...i work part-time....i am going to ask my gp can i be put forward for "CBT"....i can ask xxxxx

lets hope this evening is nice and calm for all of us...im not sure about you guys but i am exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lots of love xxxx

07-09-10, 16:54
Nothing works, there are good days & bad days & the fear of death & fear of sickness does not seem to go away. I tried a psychologist & cbt, it does not work and if it does, it only works for a few weeks or months & then back to square one. i wish i could help everyone with these feelings, i cant even help myself :( I don't know how to be normal again.