View Full Version : ive taken a diaz such high anxiety

07-09-10, 11:24
ive just taken a diaz...i am trying to work but cannot concentrate.

they log my calls as i work from home.

goddddddddddddddddddd - please anyone can you just wave a magic wand....i am going mad...and having such dark dark thoughts.

07-09-10, 11:30
Hello, sorry to hear your feeling bad, the diazepam should be helping you soon to calm down, are you on your own in the house? Im also on diazepam at the moment when I feel my anxiety is getting out of control. Are you taking any other medication? :)

07-09-10, 11:33
hi angels...thank you for answering..yes i am on cits 30mg.....been on cits since he 9th july a low dose of 20mg and was increased to 30mg 27th august...but they are not having any affect on the high anxiety and panic.

how are you doing? are you on any other meds??? - and if so how is it going for you...all ready i can feel the diaz working....i know they are addictive but hey if they get us through the day...so be it for a little while.

do keep in touch....and let me know how you are wont you xxxxxx

lots of love tracey xxxxx

07-09-10, 11:34
Ive taken a diazepam, ive not been taking them but i really needed it this morning.
Hope you are ok Tracey. xx

07-09-10, 11:39
Hi Tracey, glad your feeling a bit calmer, yes Im also on Citalopram 20mg, been on this one since January, then in JUly tapered down to 5mg big mistake as suffered with withdrawels and anxiety now back on 20mg for past 3 weeks dont feel like there working again fully yet but GP said to give it 4-6 weeks, and been givin diazepam to take when needed. :)

07-09-10, 11:57
sharon my love...neither have i...but boy did i need too and it is calming me down and i feel that i may be able to eat something.

angels so your decrease caused you probs....i am i think going to see if i can go upto 40mg....i have read the cits guide and i think this is the recommended dose for high anxiety/panic....and see what my gp says.

thank you both for being here for me....as you know i am always here so pm whenever xxxxxx

sharon...you calming down i hope also...good luck with your telephone call...just be honest my darling xxxxx

07-09-10, 12:08
Thank you Tracey i will be honest my boss is nice. xxxx
I'll let you know how i get on. xxx

08-09-10, 12:30
sharon my love...neither have i...but boy did i need too and it is calming me down and i feel that i may be able to eat something.

angels so your decrease caused you probs....i am i think going to see if i can go upto 40mg....i have read the cits guide and i think this is the recommended dose for high anxiety/panic....and see what my gp says.

thank you both for being here for me....as you know i am always here so pm whenever xxxxxx

sharon...you calming down i hope also...good luck with your telephone call...just be honest my darling xxxxx

Hey you, I have PMd you. :hugs:

So the Cit isn't working yet, glad the Diazapam is helping. Re the addictive bit, yes Diazapam is, but they are fine for immediate short term help. Yes, ask the GP about upping the Cit. I am not on that but my GP put me on Olanzapine, low dose, they keep me calm, and re-train my brain to think logically, and are not addictive. I take 1 x 2.5mg a day, and I have some Diazapam for emergencies. xxx

08-09-10, 21:58
i have sent you a pm xxxxx i am oh so blasted dizzy xxxx :blush::blush::blush: xxxx

08-09-10, 22:26
hi calm ive just taken diaz to wot dose u on im on sertraline 100mg 10 weeks now but not contoling my thoughts at all and its suppose to help with ocd thoughts

08-09-10, 23:13
hiiiiii....im on cit 30mg since the 27th aug...previously on 20mg from the 9th july this year...not hitting as yet....and i feel so so despondent...going to ask maybe for an increase to 40mg on friday....or try something new xxxx

so your meds are not controlling your thoughts...its so awful isnt it...mornings are my worst....evenings i am calm xxxx

i probably like you only take diaz when it is extreme...i have tried to control it...but the last two days blasted nightmare!

i do hope the meds kick in when do you go for a review? xxxx

09-09-10, 00:13
in a few weeks i have to see a shrink he will look into it and adjust probably

09-09-10, 09:44
please please let me know how you are getting on xxxx

its a blooming nightmare isnt it....lets hope we all see a light at the end of the tunnel.

thank you one and all for everything you dont know how much i appreciate all your time xxxxxx