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View Full Version : Scary....

07-09-10, 11:45
I suffer from anxiety and have done for about 2 years now. However, it still scares me when I go through a "bad week". Last night, I went dizzy and then very hot and when I sat down, I had a very strange feeling from my chest right up to my hear, like a hot burning weird sensation that it really scared me. It felt like something rising from by heart to my head. I have felt similar things before and put them down to panic but last night it was worse than its ever been.

Once I cuddled up to my husband, it gradually went away.

Is this panic/anxiety or could it be something else?

Please help

H x

07-09-10, 12:09
Hello, sorry to hear you had a bad night - it does seem like anxiety. How you feeling today? :)

07-09-10, 12:57
I ok today thanks, still feel panicky but it is only because I don't want to experience another episode like last night. It's such a vicious circle isn't it?

H x

07-09-10, 13:01
Hiya, it is a vicious circle its the thinking of fear and having another attack is what keeps it going, I dont know why we torture ourselves this way, if only there was a switch to turn the anxiety off.:) xx

07-09-10, 16:32
I also am suffering more from panicking about having a panic attack than anything else in particular. Vicious circle indeed!!

11-09-10, 06:53
Anxiety can do a whole range of things, many of them scary (to the anxious mind). I've been in and out of ER rooms for the past two years with what i thought were heart attacks or strokes. Not a day passes where I don't get some symptoms and on a bad day I have to stay home because I feel so physically ill.

I really do sympathise with you. Just try to relax as much as possible and try to sleep well. I also find that keeping yourself busy some of the time can help take your mind off things.

Good luck to you, you are not alone. :o)