View Full Version : Always on the back of my mind

07-09-10, 12:59
Basically, I rarely suffer full blown anxiety attacks but sometimes the symptoms come and go.

However, something that really annoys me, is that anxiety/the fear of it is always always with me. Be it when out of the house, at work or the like, there's always that little niggling thought in the back of my head about the fact that I suffer from anxiety.

I genuinely think this affects me more than the actual attacks and symptoms, just knowing it's always there in the back of my mind, but it's so embedded in there it's hard to deal with....
I think if I could get rid of anxiety based thoughts I'd be over most of the hurdle...

07-09-10, 13:04
Hello. That is soo true its the fear of feeling the anxiety. :)

07-09-10, 13:08
Hello. That is soo true its the fear of feeling the anxiety. :)

Hello there :)

I would most definitely agree, it's the fear on anxiety, the fear of it always being with me, the fear of it never leaving my life and the feeling that I'm 'not normal' that probably affects me the most.

Kerry B
07-09-10, 13:24
I totally agree to I am so scared of the Anxiety symptoms especially the dizzy coming back that I seem to be looking out for them, I just wished I wouldnt fall into this trap.

07-09-10, 13:40
Once the anxiety flares up I get stuck in a cycle of fear. My anxiety reared it's ugly head just over a week ago and since then I have been gripped by it. I try to do & think all the things that I know I should do but it's easier said than done when I feel so overwhelmed. I think that it doesn't help that my stomach is so badly affected. I have no appetite and I have to force myself to eat the small morsels that I can manage. I know that I need to eat but I feel so sick all the time. This is the first day that I haven't actually been sick. I find it so upsetting that by the time I go to bed I feel almost normal only to be gripped again by anxiety when I wake up (which is always very early when I'm having an episode of anxiety). Does anyone else find this?

07-09-10, 23:42
Was fine for most of today but again there's always something in the back of my head reminding me I have anxiety, if anyone gets what I mean.

09-09-10, 02:46
Zman do you find yourself scared of your own thoughts and what's around after you've remember you've got anxiety and somedays it's easier than others?

You sound like me!

09-09-10, 02:47
Oh and also do you have a recurring thought you're going to one day end up in a mental institute and can picture it coz I can and I think that's what keeps making me scared!

09-09-10, 03:33
This my problem, my mind always on it. The only time i feel better is when i finally get to sleep and when i exercise. Also talking about it also helps, other than that its with me in the back of my mind 24/7 and the symptoms with it too. Real weak feeling, lightheaded, needle like chest pains here and there, dry mouth, and damp feet are my most common ones.

I hate feeling like i am so weak throughout the body every freaking day it sux! Does anyone else have this constant feeling too?

jude uk
09-09-10, 05:57
The fear of fear is what keeps us prisoner. We await each anxiety attack and because we have had them for so long we really dont know what its like to live without them. We could be having a fantastic day and maybe not even be thinking of anxiety but one little twinge or dizzy spell will bring everything rushing back. We seem unable now to be able to ignore these things. We have gone through zillions of attacks and nothing has happened. Our worst fear has came to nothing but during it, we could have 10 people telling us everything is ok but we would not believe them.

My answer is to get on with it. Become so bored of it that you no longer allow the feelings to stop you enjoying life. Steps by step by step is the answer.