View Full Version : Help, I want to be myself again.

07-09-10, 14:30
Hi everyone, I only joined this site a few days ago, and it is reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels completely out of control with my life. I had my first panic attack when my dad died when I was sixteen. I seemed to be OK for quite a while and then one day at work, I would start to have panic attacks if it got a bit stressful. Since then I have had good times and not so good. Had a bout of depression , which I had councelling for. I always put my stress and depression down to work, so when I retired, I thought I would have no more problems with it. How wrong I was ! Since I have retired, I suffer panic attacks, palpitations,I'm jittery and depressed and it seems to be getting worse. Would love to hear from anyone who has had the some experience and also any tips on how to cope. I really don't want to get any worse. I am starting to feel as though I am in a little world of my own. :blush:

07-09-10, 14:32
Hi Gloria

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-09-10, 15:34
hi gloria...just to let you know....you are not alone....i think the most of us are in the same boat with you xxxx

this site is oh so wonderful and you will meet terrific people on here - and i believe that some friendships will last a lifetime xxxx so out of the bad there is always some good xxxxx

gloria have you discussed your symptoms with a gp? xxxxx

07-09-10, 15:38
Hi Calm Yes I have seen my GP. He prescribed Citalpram, but I found they made me feel sick. I know they take some time to work, but if I can do this without drugs I really would like to. I bought some Bach Rescue Remedy yesterday, has anyone else tried it, and what do you think of it.

07-09-10, 15:42
hi gloria..i am currently on cit been on for nearly two months....and if i am honest i have not had any relief so i am going back to my gp on friday.

no i have never tried this remedy...but i hope you find it a success you must keep us posted xxxxx

Fly away Katie
07-09-10, 17:15
Hi Gloria. Just remember you are not alone. I'm sure you will find lots of love and support here x x x:welcome:

07-09-10, 17:48
Hi Gloria
I do identify with you as my anxiety was as bad if not worse than it was at work when I retired. I'm sure that not having so much to occupy the mind has a lot to do with it. Over the years I have learnt to accept my anxiety and not to dwell on it let alone fight it. This way I do manage it and do not let it get me down-the more I can occupy my mind the better.
With regard to the Bach's Rescue Remedy I and many others on this site do find it very useful in taking the edge off the anxiety before an event which is causing the anxiety

07-09-10, 17:55
Thanks for your support John, How often should I be taking the Rescue Remedy, or can you use it as often as you want to. I agree that perhaps I have too much time to dwell on my problems.

so shaky
07-09-10, 18:25
hi Gloria

I have a small tin of rescue remedy pastilles Blackcurrant flavour from boots in my handbag all the time just in case i need them. Some days i wont have any and other days I'll have 4 or 5 over the day and find they help. They say on the tin you just take one when you want to but that if you have too many they may have a laxitive effect.

I also have an relaxation aromatherapy rollerball in my bag. You just rub a bit on your wrists and temples when you feel a bit anxious. Mine is from 'Neal's Yard' but you can also get them in boots. Works wonders for me.

As they say.. every little helps :-)
Take care

07-09-10, 20:05
Hi again Gloria
I don't take Rescue Remedy routinely although I'm sure there would be no harm in doing so. I tend to take it before specific events which are making me feel particularly anxious.I do take Kalms routinely every day which seem to help.I hope you find something that helps you.

08-09-10, 11:19
Hello Hun, im new here also, so lovely to meet you, i have a lot of emotional probs at teh moment, one munite im as right as rain, then the next im a quivvering mess, and im panicking thinking everyone hates me and more than anything im hating myself, rather silly, and i hate how i feel, but going backa few years i was feeling quite simila to how i feel now, and i started to take a herb called passiflora, its a mild herbal antidepresant, none addictive and very safe, but you cant ake this on top of any other medications, also i used to take lemon balm capsuals, they are excelant for lifting your mood, also oil of primrose and vitimin b complex, but.. i would go alone to your local herbal shop or ring them, and speak with a herbalist, just to let them know exactly how you are feeling, and they will soon sort you out, i think its about time i popped along there myself heehee, coz the winter months are setting in now, and i think i have a bit of seasonal affective disorder as well as suffering pre menopausal probs lol, oh the joys of being a woman, give us strengh lol xxxxx

08-09-10, 11:35
Hi Gloria,
Welcome to nmp.
Im sure you will find good advice here and make friends.
Wishing you all the best. xxxxxxx:hugs:

08-09-10, 14:28
Hi so shaky & John, Thank for your advise. I will certainly try the Kalms and the relaxation aromatherapy. I really don't want to go down the drugs route if I can help it. Having a better day today, so making the most of it. It is so helpful to talk to people who understand how you feel. Take care

08-09-10, 14:36
Hi amandria, Like you one minute I am OK and the next I can't stop crying. I am having an OK day today, but heavens knows what I will be like tomorrow. I keep ruminating over thing that happened years ago and how I regret things. It,s so unrational, as there is nothing I can do about anything. Like you I have really low self esteem and thing that everyone is more important than I am. It's as though we feel we have to torture ourselves isn't it. Iv'e always been a worrier and nervous, but it really is getting out of hand. I can't talk about it to anyone either, I feel as though they won't want to listen to me moaning on. Anyway take care. Gloria

08-09-10, 20:12
My marrage wemt wrong years ago, and i moved about a lot, and my oldest son choose to live with his dad, which destroyed me nearly, i couldnt even see him until he knocked on my door 3 years later wanting to see me, and i know my ex would have had nothing but bad things to put in his head as in keeping him there, anyhows me and my son are now very close, i was there in his life during his last years at school and collage and university, and was there with him when he graduated, but i still feel the torment of when i lost him back then, he was only 10, and was 13 when he came back to me, and now hes an adult, i feel so frightend i may lose him again, as he has a girlfriend who tries to hog him al of the time, so on top of all of my insecurities, i have the prob of being a clingy mother lol... and the other day i got my self in such a state, i made my self so ill, i was going over the past, wishing i did things better, wishing i was stronger, wishing i didnt drop my sons of with there dad that day when he snached my boys and keeping one of them, in a way i look back and see a failier, and idiot who mucked up her life, but i know i cant change the past, and i must move forward, otherwise it will make me really ill, so i need to let go of so many things, and try and put the dreadful past behind me... im a very careing loving person, but i think i have upset my sons girlfriend a few time to many, i havnt meant to, but i have actually asked her wat it is she dosnt liek about me, she says she hasnt got a problem, but i really feel sometimes that she looks down on me, maybe this is my guilt shinning through, and im worried taht she thinks im a bad mother coz my son choose to live with his dad when he was 10