View Full Version : Hi Everyone

01-03-06, 11:36
I read about the site in the paper and thought I would give it a try.

I am a male in my 50's who has suffered the dreaded panic/anxiety thing for quite a while.

I have been on paroxetine and diazepam but have decided that the drugs will not cure and am currently cutting the doses. I feel terrible and wonder if anyone in the same situation can identify with this. If so, how did/do you feel when cutting down on meds and if you are off them altogether, how long before you feel well again. I can understand that it will take a while, but understanding from fellow sufferers can only help.

Many thanks


01-03-06, 11:47
Hi Johnty,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

Ma Larkin
01-03-06, 11:53
Welcome to the site Johnty, I've just cut down my meds. I was on clomipramine & 2mg diazepam. I cut out the anti-deps completely & only take diazepam now when I think i'm turning into panic mode. I felt tons better for a couple of weeks, no symptoms at all (thought i'd be a dithering wreck giving up the diazepam). I seem to have tight chest pains constantly, & am learning to cope without relying on diazepam, which I just take as & when necessary. It still scares me, but I know that its just anxiety & try to live with it. You are so right about the drugs not curing. I think once we've been cursed with this anxiety, we can only cure ourselves with help & understanding from people. This site is brilliant Johnty, you will get loads of good advise & meet some lovely people who have exactly the same symptoms as you.


01-03-06, 12:07
Hey john
welcome to the forum!!! I was put on loads of meds when I was first diagnozed (includin diazpam!), I weaned myself of them as the doctors wanted me to keep takin them but I had been for a year and nothing helped!! it was hard coing of them but now a year and half later I am doing a lot better- I actually wonder if, in my case, if t5he meds made my anxiety worse!! but as lesley said you will meet lovely people who know exactly what your going through!!!

01-03-06, 12:23
Hello Johnty

Welcome to the site

The key to getting off these meds without rebound symptoms or sideeffects is to it extremely slowly and not to any given schedule.

Make the smallest reduction possible each time and stay on that dose until you start to feel stable before making any further reductions.

Check our medications page for further info .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-03-06, 12:42
Hi John, i'm Tara and i'm 31. I was taking citalopram, diazipam and propanonol for my anxiety/panic, i was on this combination for about a year and decided to come off the diazipam and citalopram. I started with the diazipam which i found pretty ok as i really wanted to do it, this took me about a month to do, the citalopram was slightly harder as i took all advice to cut down slowly, one every other day for weeks, then one every other, other day and so on. But when i felt a little wobbly i'd take them again regular. Eventually it took just over 3 months to come off them. As for propanonol i rearly take, maybe one once a month if needed. The only advice i can give is if you really want to come off meds do it very slowly. Hope this helps Tara

01-03-06, 12:44
Hi Johnty

Welcome to the forum.

Hope we can help support you through this. Have you had any therapy to help with your difficulties?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

01-03-06, 14:17
Thanks guys , seems like good advice which i will definately put into practice especially the cut down gradually scenario. I think i got a bit brave and came off too soon.
Karen..support seems to be a bit thin on the ground where i am and if you get a referral it is months away. I have read about the CBT and how it seems to help people a lot. Any views??


01-03-06, 14:36
Hi Johnty,

Welcome to the forum.

You will get lots of help & support on here. You are not alone.

Take Care


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But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
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