View Full Version : Hello,, im so glad i found this site, coz i think im losing it

07-09-10, 20:31
Hello everyone, im so glad i came across this site, coz i honestly feel terrible, and im starting to really hate myself, i get so emotional and very insecure and vunerable, and i seem to be putting my foot in things with my family, and uosetting everyone with harsh words, im being very streight forward and saying exactly how i feel, and dont realsie until after ive siad something that i have deeply hurt someone or got on someones nerves, im turning into a nutter and i just dont know whats wrong with me latly, im a very loving careing person, but things just get up my nose so much, and silly things get me so angry lol its ridiculas, also ordenary people can jsut allow things to wash over them, but ME i just go on and on and on and on, getting on everyones nerves, and im so sick of upsetting peoeple and opening this big gob of mine, ive deeply hurt my sons girlfriend for the second time now, just getting my self upset coz she dosnt bother with me much,a nd my son is all for her family, but ive been green with envy, also they are having a baby, im gonna be a nana in 5 weeks, tahst if im lucky to see it... im turning into a very nasty person, and i think my prob is paranoia coz i feel no one likes me, but i think the real issue is, is taht i dont like myself... im 43 and wondering if im going nuts coz im going through peri menopause... sorry fro the long silly post on my fisrt time here lol.. im just despret fro some help before i totally lose it and end up in a psyche ward xxx

07-09-10, 20:33
Hi amandria

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Kerry B
07-09-10, 23:32
Hi:welcome: hope you find this site as useful as i have its been a life saver and i have met some good friends a long the way.

All the best

Vanilla Sky
08-09-10, 10:56
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 11:18
Hello dear. And :welcome: to NMP x x x x

09-09-10, 21:37
The first thing I would do is have a chat with your GP, you would be supprised how a good GP can help


13-09-10, 23:23
Thank you xxxx

paula lynne
13-09-10, 23:33
Hi and welcome. Im new here to and Im sure, like me ,youll find this site of great help and get lots of support. I agree you should see your gp asap. I hope you feel better very very soon, and congrats on almost becoming a nana!..x:hugs:

14-09-10, 20:04
hello and welcome - i've only just joined myself and i agree with bsmith, it's time to see your gp. he will ask you a set of questions and at the least prescribe an anti depressant. your words "i don't like myself" say it all. let us know how you get on.

15-09-10, 10:29
Welcome! :) x