View Full Version : Why me?

Silly Blonde
01-03-06, 12:11
I have been apparently suffering with health anxiety and secondary depression for over a year. Last January I felt sick all the time and despite blood tests and daily visits to every GP at my surgery, I was convinced I was dying. I went to see a psychiatrist and was given Mirtazapine, which did seem to help and in May last year I went back to work.

I have had some horrible physical symptoms since December - tummy ache, lower back pain, heartburn and feeling pretty horrible.

I went back to my GP who felt my tummy and suggested that it was nothing more than IBS.

I went back again and I asked (goodness knows why) for a pelvic ultrasound. Now I am convinced that I have everything from ovarian cysts to ovarian cancer. i have my ultrasound tonight and I am terrified. What if they find something? I just can't seem to think logically anymore.

Is this just me? Everyone around me looks at me strangely, even when I tell them of my symptoms and how bad I feel.

Sorry for the long post - just needed to get this off my chest.

SB xx

01-03-06, 12:17
Hey blonde!!
Good luck for your ultrasound- at least the doctor took on board your concerns!! I am sure you are fine but better safe than sorry!! I have learned to ignore others coz they dont understand and they tend to just pin everything on anxiety!! come on later and let us know how you got on!! Try not to worry to much- we are all here no matter what!!!

Silly Blonde
01-03-06, 12:38
Thanks for that - I just can't stop those horrible thoughts today. Hopefully my ultrasound will be clear and I'll stop worrying. I'm hoping and praying that it will be - but have got this vision which is on mind constantly that I have something nasty growing inside me - which either presses on my gullet, my back or my stomach.

It almost sounds crazy as I'm typing this - but it still doesn't stop me worrying!

01-03-06, 15:00
silly blonde i have every faith in you that you will b 100% fine i think if you were seriuosly ill you wouldnt get out of bed or really be able to move youd either be in alot of pain or sick constantly, try doing this before you go, sit down take 5 deep breaths in and 5 out then think to yourself about how u used to feel and what made you happy back then keep smiling when thinking about it and then say to yourself
'Stop being silly, go for your ultrasound and know the more relaxed i am the more i will start to feel calm and relaxed and positive and know when you get your results you can come back to your chair take your 5 deep breaths in and out and look forward to feeling happy and well again in the future but do it in your own time dont rush to feel better it wll come naturally. i still dont feel 100% but the more i keep telling myself what im telling u i tend to not notice my symtoms as much
PM me anytime and please let us know how u get on tonight xx

01-03-06, 19:49
this isnt a long post so do not worry. also do anything that gives you peace of mind but know that the chances are this ultrasound is normal and at some stage you will have to consider that this is health anxiety and not cancer

the one thin gi no is this fear is very common and you are not alone. i no it is ahrd to believe that mental fears can make you feel this sick but they can and i no
