View Full Version : Always Anxious

07-09-10, 20:43

Does anyone else find that "things" used to make them anxious, only for a new "thing" to come along? Im getting a bit fed up of always obsessing and being anxious over the next "thing".

The penny is dropping that it is me rather the "things".

So does anyone know what this is and what I can do about it?

I have suffered from depression in the past and found caoucilling very helpfull.

Many thanks on peoples thoughts...

08-09-10, 18:20
No one?

I guess another way to simplyfy what im feeling is always anxious and im fed up of it, it seems that most people tacke this by either medication or counsilling. Has anyone tried self help or herbal remedies?


08-09-10, 19:11
Hi Paul.
I think the reason the triggers change is because when were in a bad frame of mind everything we do becomes a chore or very scary for us. So when were out and about and have an attack that would have happened anyway, we immediately assume that whatever we were doing right at that moment is the real trigger.
My triggers have changed over the years too.
The only way to get past this and stop creating new ones is to change the way you look at life. If you have an attack think about the situation youre in and try to stop your brain putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5.
I do take medication for my anxiety. I feel that I need it to get past the worst of it. I also use meditation, relaxation and progressive muscle relaxation techniques, which really do help!

09-09-10, 02:48
Exactly like me Paul I'll even get scared of my own thoughts that just pop into my head. I feel like I'm going nuts!