View Full Version : EYE PROBLEMS..Proof that it's anxiety!!!!

07-09-10, 21:18

I have posted a few times on this site as I went through a horrible spout of HA about my eyes... I was SO convinced there was something wrong: Here are my symptoms (Just incase any one else has had the same thing)

Ghosting around near objects (Like Double Vision)
Black Floater in Left eye
Eye Strain
Blurred vision
Sensitivity to Light
Flashes and visual lights ect
I have gone to loads of doctors and the Optition has now made sense of whats happening:

Basically I have been concentrating on my eyes for so long I now notice EVERY single movement/lights ect..Which has been putting strain on them...

Also when I arrived at the Optitions I was nervous (As I thought they would find something horrible) I had my eye pressure tested and it was way over average!!! SOOOO I paniced...Then 100% convinced I had a brain tumour...

After my test she said my eyes were fine..Very Healthy! She then said take a deep breath.. Relax and we'll do it again as soon as I relaxed my eye pressure was normal.. This PROVES to me that Anxiety can cause all these symptoms...

This is also the same with my headaches...I've noticed that when I'm "Relaxing" my shoulders are tense... And my neck is so sore.. This can cause so many problems that we all think are a million times worse!!!

Ohh one more thing... After suffering a month with my eyes my one horrible stomach aches and IBS has gone... And I'm guessing it's because I totally forgot about it!!

Just thought i'd share this with everyone today...

I'm now going to concentrate on getting better! At least if I get anymore Anxiety symptoms...I'll forget about my eyes haha

Natalie xxxxxxx

07-09-10, 21:30
Wow, i concentrate on my eyes all the time and notice EVERYTHING!!!! What an interesting post. :)

07-09-10, 21:35
Honestly... It's so strange... I've been like it for months..., (well still kinda like it now) But it's so nice to know there's nothing wrong...

It was the pressure machine for me.. One min really high and then after a few deep breathes... Totally normal

Well no one can say were not vigilant haha xx

Kerry B
07-09-10, 23:26
I suffer with blurred vision and black spots but are to scared to have a eye test incase i have something wrong, wish I could pick up the courage to go. Well done you.

07-09-10, 23:53
honestly darl please go! I know it sounds stupid but i feel so much better! The worst thing that fuels all anxiety is the "what if's''... I promise once u go and find there's nothing wrong or that u need glasses or something trivia like that your eye symptoms will begin to seem alot better! Seriously i was convinced something was wrong i even went to a&e twice! The not knowing made me worse! Just think how good you'll feel after ur check up... Mwah x x x x

08-09-10, 02:13
I'm too scared to go to the eye doctor about it too! I get the black floater in my left eye as well, it's one of my main worries about my eyes. You have no idea how much this has reassured me, thanks so much for posting nrowe! xxx

08-09-10, 02:26
you're not alone nrowe2:blush:.I know what you say...
It is weird at first but... anyway here is another link:
http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Anxiety/Heavy-head-feeling-and-eye-focusing-problem/show/4597 (http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Anxiety/Heavy-head-feeling-and-eye-focusing-problem/show/4597)
(Notice member comments)

08-09-10, 10:01
I'm too scared to go to the eye doctor about it too! I get the black floater in my left eye as well, it's one of my main worries about my eyes. You have no idea how much this has reassured me, thanks so much for posting nrowe! xxx

Hi Emma,

Awww I'm glad thats reassured you..Because I honestly have spent 2 months FREAKING OUT! I thought my symtpoms were unique (even though some are listed on here) I still thought I was different!

But just having the pressure test proving that me being anxious it raised my eye pressure alot! So if just me worrying about a eye test can do that..Image what else anxiety does... I think if we all learn to accept our symptoms and NOT fear them eventually they will disappear

Nat xxxx

P.s The optition said she gets floaters..Single ones and loads..She said its perfectally normal and the only reason you see them more is because were subconsiously/consiously looking at them (i have one right now! Swimming around my left eye! But as soon as i forget about it it goes) xxxx

08-09-10, 10:04
you're not alone nrowe2:blush:.I know what you say...
It is weird at first but... anyway here is another link:
http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Anxiety/Heavy-head-feeling-and-eye-focusing-problem/show/4597 (http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Anxiety/Heavy-head-feeling-and-eye-focusing-problem/show/4597)
(Notice member comments)

Thanks Newin...

Geez there's loads on that forum too..It's amazing how many people get one symptom..Then after worring about that then develop loads just coz of stupid anxiety!


08-09-10, 10:09
Hi All,

I had the most extensive eye test I've had a few weeks back! Had air blown in my eyes, full on x-ray of my eye ball, full eye exam etc and they said my eyes were perfectly healthy - no burst vessels, no inflammation etc.

So, do you think I should feel confident about there being nothing wrong in my head? Apart from my anxiety obviously. I keep waking up in the night panicking that I have a headache, which in turn gives me a bloody headache!

I get floaters all the time too. The opticians showed me them on the x-ray of my eye which was pretty weird! Apparently they can be increased with stress....


08-09-10, 10:24
Hi Nicole...

If I were you i'd be 100% convinced there is NOTHING wrong! I get headaches from my neck being stiff...and putting extra strain on my eyes as I concentrate on them all the time! Really does my head in (literally lol)

I've started doing pilates exercises (on you tube) This seems to be helping (ohh and noticed its starting to tone my body toooo!! Bonus!!! haha

Instead of thinking "OMG" or "WHAT IF" or "Thats a new symptom" just accept that weve all put our nerves under a bit of stress and it will take a little while for us to forget about it???

OHHHH and i haven't "Googled" in weeks!!! Thats made a MASSIVE difference!!!

Natalie xx

08-09-10, 10:30
Thanks Natalie. That helps. I'm trying to resist going to my doctors (which would be the 3rd time!) - i had an appointment yesterday and then suddenly thought "what am i actually going to talk about!?" so i canceled it...

That awful niggle just comes in "well what if they can't see ALL brain tumors from your eyes?" , "that doesn't explain why i still feel so weird" etc etc.

Bloody awful.

I've also started reading a book called Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway - very helpful for those lapses in anxiety management. Just teaches you about taking control etc....a bit cheesy but seems to do the job!


09-09-10, 13:13

Yes I was the same..Visited my doctor 4 times, a&e twice, Hospital Eye doctor and Optitians once!!!!! All in one month!! haha.. I think my doctor thinks I fancy him!!!!

But I was just so desperate for reassurance! I now forget about my eyes and whenever I do get a symptom I just kinda breathe through it and let it happen!

I'm sure there will be times when new symptoms come but I'm not gonna let anxiety ruin my life anymore...

I've found laughing at it and laughing in general always helps too

P.s The symptoms for brain tumours are apparently SO bad you can pass out/have unbearable headaches and so many more things... Your doctor would have noticed these symptoms..., Honestly If you know you have anxeity we can make our body do stupid things just by thinking about them...Plus theres SOOOO many people that have the exact same as you and me on here!!

Nat xxx

20-07-17, 22:58
I just wanted to say after reading your post it fits me to T. I swear I have a brain tumor. Did your eyes ever water?

Pea Tear Griffin
20-07-17, 23:38
I have been having some of those such as blury vision in the distance and aches in the eyes.

Helped a lot thanks :)

Also I have mild hayfever so didn't help I had a few little blood vessels in the eyes showing which convinced me I had blood pressure.

12-06-18, 02:01

I have posted a few times on this site as I went through a horrible spout of HA about my eyes... I was SO convinced there was something wrong: Here are my symptoms (Just incase any one else has had the same thing)

Ghosting around near objects (Like Double Vision)
Black Floater in Left eye
Eye Strain
Blurred vision
Sensitivity to Light
Flashes and visual lights ect
I have gone to loads of doctors and the Optition has now made sense of whats happening:

Basically I have been concentrating on my eyes for so long I now notice EVERY single movement/lights ect..Which has been putting strain on them...

Also when I arrived at the Optitions I was nervous (As I thought they would find something horrible) I had my eye pressure tested and it was way over average!!! SOOOO I paniced...Then 100% convinced I had a brain tumour...

After my test she said my eyes were fine..Very Healthy! She then said take a deep breath.. Relax and we'll do it again as soon as I relaxed my eye pressure was normal.. This PROVES to me that Anxiety can cause all these symptoms...

This is also the same with my headaches...I've noticed that when I'm "Relaxing" my shoulders are tense... And my neck is so sore.. This can cause so many problems that we all think are a million times worse!!!

Ohh one more thing... After suffering a month with my eyes my one horrible stomach aches and IBS has gone... And I'm guessing it's because I totally forgot about it!!

Just thought i'd share this with everyone today...

I'm now going to concentrate on getting better! At least if I get anymore Anxiety symptoms...I'll forget about my eyes haha

Natalie xxxxxxx

Hello how are you now? I hope you are ok. I have your symptoms ghosting and starburst. Eye doctor told me my eyes are fine and maybe it's anxiety. How do you deal your anxiety? Your simptoms have gone away? Or how do you stop worrying about the problem? :)