View Full Version : When will I get a break from this anxiety?

07-09-10, 22:48
So I've been about 4 months feeling chroniclly anxious, ill feeling, down, panicky and at the moment I only get one good day, some times only half a good day per week. I'm at my wits end talking about it and try and ignore it.

However it's all physical symptoms lashing me like a cold even so it's very hard to ignore feeling crap. I had periods of six months just constantly anxious in the past, in relationships but being single I miss the close support from a girlfriend but that's another issue I can't relay on that.

I'm eating apples, trying lavender, rescue remedy (well once with all those), really trying to get better sleep but it's hard. I feel the anxiety is bringing me down..I go round and round worry worry about health then eventually get here saying I am so sick of anxiety. I can't imagine suffering this for 10 years.

Surely it has to go soon? I thought to myself the other day I'm better than I was months ago (maybe barely) as I have the severe panics under a little more control...I still feel crap and run down daily..in some form whether it be IBS or to a headache...will it ever end?? Is it a case of seeing it out? Maybe by end of the year feeling a little better? :huh:

07-09-10, 22:52
Alrite mate ,

Ive been feeling exactly the same , when will it bloody go !!!

like you , I have been having physical symptoms ... for a few weeks its one symptom and then its another ..

months of this s*** and i think anxiety should have had enough of me by now .. i just want it to leave me so I can feel normal and upbeat agian ...

I really feel for everyone on this site as well as myself .. what a s*** thing to deal with .. its the physical symptoms that really bring me down

07-09-10, 22:55
Hi Phil,

i am sorry to say it but anxiety isn't going to go anywhere when you are wishing it away so much :( . "if you do what you've always done you are going to get what you've always gotten"

it's going to take a change of direction to get different results. I feel like i keep blagging on about it here but please check out the book in my signature, it cured me and made me alot happier too, it's not just about recovering from anxiety, it's about living the life you want to lead (sounds cheesy i know but it's how it is!!)

good luck mate :)

07-09-10, 22:55
I'm eating apples, trying lavender, rescue remedy (well once with all those), really trying to get better sleep but it's hard. I feel the anxiety is bringing me down..I go round and round worry worry about health then eventually get here saying I am so sick of anxiety. I can't imagine suffering this for 10 years.

Surely it has to go soon? I thought to myself the other day I'm better than I was months ago (maybe barely) as I have the severe panics under a little more control...I still feel crap and run down daily..in some form whether it be IBS or to a headache...will it ever end?? Is it a case of seeing it out? Maybe by end of the year feeling a little better? :huh:[/QUOTE]
Hi Phil,

I don't think it's a case of seeing it out. It's a gradual thing, recovering from anxiety. You've admitted that you feel better than you were months ago - this is really positive. You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die. Sounds that you are getting there by hook or by crook, so don't despair too much and don't expect too much too soon. Slow and steady wins the race and it sounds like you are doing this :hugs:

07-09-10, 22:57
just gotta plough through it .. sometimes its so hard to accept that its only anxiety but the minute we accept and continue to get on with our lives the easier and more positive we become ..

there is light at the end of the tunnel mate..

Just keep your chin up .. :yesyes:

07-09-10, 23:29
Adam - you sound more upbeat now - how are the meds working out?


07-09-10, 23:38
Hi Dahlia,

Yes I am feeling a lot better thanks,

It still hard and I havent managed to shift all of my physical symptoms.. stiff neck and shoulders causing a back of head headache ..

Well Im not to sure about the meds ... i am coming to the end of my 3rd week on them and only have a weeks perscription left which means I will go back to the doctors for a review on them ..

they make me feel a little sleepy but i think thats why Ive been given them in such a low dose 10mg for bed..

Ive been worrying still ( not as much ) about a few little lumps on the back of my head.. doc didnt seem concerned..

But yeh .. cut all that away and I guess Im much better.. thankyou for seeing a little bit of improvement .. Im really just trying to help all the people on here i can now from my experience..

I think for me .. apart from the meds I think just trying to go about your day as best you can .. I have kept myself busy at work and trying to go for walks .. drinking lots of water.. it really does aide the recovery !!!



08-09-10, 12:33
Good news Adam! Long may the recovery continue!


Hazel B
08-09-10, 13:25
I struggled with anxiety over health for 2 months before admitting I have a problem and telling a kind doctor. I started on Citalopram, lasted 4 days of that with headaches, worse anxiety and sweating, and am now on day 3 of Propranolol and Diazepam. I swore I would never take meds but had to accept I could not cope. I tried deep breathing, meditation, challenging unhelpful thoughts etc but could not get my pulse under 100.
My pulse is now back under control, I had one bad night of not sleeping but hope to be at the start of recovery. I know rationally that I am not ill, it's the power of my mind tricking me and giving me symptoms. I wish I could switch that power and energy to be positive and will try.
You are still at work, which is good, I have been signed off, so be positive in that and take one day at a time, it will pass.

08-09-10, 20:39
You really have to take a slow and steady approach to recovery. Accept in the beginning you need medication to relax you. Study all there is about recovery, books, DVD's, websites, advice.

Meditation does help but you have to really commit to doing it every day.

I am despairing at the moment as I feel so bad but I know I will get better. I was told to imagine an over stretched elastic band and to recover you need to work through your issues, take medication, meditate, exercise and slowly that elastic band will relax resulting in your panic and anxiety improving.

I do know how you feel though - its like being in a never ending hell.