View Full Version : Metallicy taste in mouth

07-09-10, 23:07
hi all, just wondering if anyone has suffered wth a metallicy taste in their mouth, as i have had a cold for about a week now, have also had a bit of a sore throat which seems to have settled down now but now i have a odd sensation in my mouth, not sure wether my tongue is sore or wether it is a metallicy taste!!!

anyone else had anything like this and if so how woud you describe it???

07-09-10, 23:11
nothing to worry about just part of your cold i guess, probably flu or something :) obviously if its there for like a week go see ur doc but it sounds normal as during flu your senses get messed about a lot

07-09-10, 23:16
It is very common with some medications and also with anxiety

07-09-10, 23:23
hi nicola, thanx for replying, just wondering if it could have anything to do with the fact that i missed a few of my tablets last week as i was quite pre occupied with my daughters christening at the weekend????

07-09-10, 23:24
I had that when I withdrew from Effexor - so it could perhaps be because you missed tablets.


07-09-10, 23:29
thanx dahlia, have you experienced anything like this??, am currently on 20mg of citalapram.

08-09-10, 12:18
It was a definite metallicy taste. I mentioned it to my mum, and she said she gets it sometimes - and she doesn't have anxiety/take meds. It lasted about a week, I think.