View Full Version : can anx make u forgetful & do strange things?

08-09-10, 03:55
I asked my hubby to touch my head to tell me if i've a fever and he said no but i didnt remember and asked him again a few mins later. when he told me that i already asked, i got very anx and panicky that im losing my memory. then i made some toast for myself and i went to the microwave and turned it on with nothing in it and i dont remember doing that. can anxiety make people do these things? im panicking something is wrong with me. ive noticed that my short term memory hasnt been as sharp as it used to be. im 27. anyone with anx experience doing strange things forget easily?

08-09-10, 06:17
Yea I get things like this except mine seems to be actual words and things that have happend that I forget. Like I'll wanna say something but I'll have no idea what the word is even for simple things like spoon or something =/. Sometimes I'll have no idea what I've done in the last half an hour to an hour, or I can't remember for the life of me what I did that morning. Silly things like that!

I've put it down to bein so preoccupied with other things, like my heart, I don't take in as much as I used to because it's already taken by worries and my attentions ALWAYS on my chest and heart rate. Maybe you can relate to that? :) xx

08-09-10, 11:11
yeah it can, your mind is almost completely focused on the thing you are anxious about and therefore make you do strange things, don't worry :)

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 11:23
I'm so glad you posted this. I have been exactly the same. See, we get so wrapped up in our panic and anxiety that we don't concentrate 100% on what is going on around us.
Remember this: "Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained."
That quote is SO TRUE :)

08-09-10, 13:37
I completely agree with fly away Katy.

and that quote is fantastic!

I like to think of it like anxiety is a program running in windows on computer and as long as its mimimised it uses little of my thought and energy but if i maximise the window its all i think of and all the other normal 'programmes' get effected by the anxiety program as there is less memory left to process them.

I think if you had real bad anxiety and functioned totally normally that would be even more freaky ! LOL
