View Full Version : Hi, a new member :D

08-09-10, 04:16
Heya! i'm Cleo, i'm 20 and i'm from NZ. I come from a pretty staunch, non medicated, you'll be right kind of family. I've always been the nerviest and it drives my family and friends insane sometimes. My biggest things are hatred of vomit and constant worries about food poisoning (especially to do with meat ad fish) and getting a bug from someone. I also hate wasps and bumble bees and feel so stupid when i can't be in the same room if one is flying around. My family thinks i'm just being wierd and that i need to get over it. but in the last year or so it has gotten much, much worse. I have a 16 month old daughter and i want to nip this in the bud so she wont get these silly fears and quirks that i have. Its great to meet you all and see people who have the same worries as me!
I can see you all have great advice!
Thanks for having this site!!!

08-09-10, 04:19
Hi CSmith

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-09-10, 04:22
Thanks :D i feel welcome already! What an awesome bunch of people you are! i'm sure you wont yell at me for asking too many times if you think the food is off lol.

08-09-10, 10:01
hi guys,..
welcome to all in this forum site,..its very informative site,..

Vanilla Sky
08-09-10, 10:49
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 11:20
Hello, and welcome to NMP. I hope you find comfort and reassurance here x x x