View Full Version : Weight loss caused by anxiety...

08-09-10, 04:51
Hi guys, I have lost a bit of weight over the last few months and want to put it down to my anxiety as I know anxiety can cause weight loss. Only problem is, nothing has changed in my diet so I am worried that my weight loss is caused by something else such as cancer - I have health anxiety!

I am still eating pizza and when I do have pizza, I eat a whole one, I am still eating burgers and pastas with lots of cheese... you get the idea! And I am still not exercising.

I don't understand how I have lost weight and it has me worried.

Has anyone else lost weight through anxiety even though their food intake didn't change?

08-09-10, 05:01
Hi guys, I have lost a bit of weight over the last few months and want to put it down to my anxiety as I know anxiety can cause weight loss. Only problem is, nothing has changed in my diet so I am worried that my weight loss is caused by something else such as cancer - I have health anxiety!

I am still eating pizza and when I do have pizza, I eat a whole one, I am still eating burgers and pastas with lots of cheese... you get the idea! And I am still not exercising.

I don't understand how I have lost weight and it has me worried.

Has anyone else lost weight through anxiety even though their food intake didn't change?

You may have an overactive thyroid, "hyperthyroidism". Which is will pretty much supercharge your metabolism and have an affect on your anxiety. You will need to have a thyroid blood panel done to see if you have it or not.

08-09-10, 08:22
Heya hun. I always lose weight through anxiety despite not a lot of change to my diet. I had a thyroid test which came back fine so it is purely stress related weight loss. I would recommend a thyroid test just in case. It's not likely to be cancer hun. So don't worry. X.

08-09-10, 17:01
Hiya, The anxiety burns calories, regardless of how much you eat. Your muscles are tense, which burns calories, your heart beats faster, which burns calories. You get the idea? Don't worry, you're ok. If you're losing a substantial amount of weight, then consult your doctor, or, as above check out the thyroid. :)

Hazel B
08-09-10, 17:10
I have lost almost 2 stones with anxiety in the past 3 months, it's the energy burn. I do not do any proper exercise yet still lose weight. You can ask the doctor for tests purely for reassurance but the others are right, it's anxiety and adrenalin. Try to eat smaller meals more often, or get some Complan/chicken soup, anything with protein and vitamins.
The worst part for me is people keep saying "you're looking good, you've got your jawline back" but it makes me fell crap as I'm not dieting!
Try not to stress about it ( I know, easy to say!) and look after yourself.

08-09-10, 17:21
i wouldn't worry about it....as soon as u feel less anxious it will all go back on and probably some more...it does burn the calories even when u feel you are doing 'nothing' t/c x

08-09-10, 20:20
I've lost quite a bit since April this year although I do eat a lot less when I'm anxious but I know others who still have an appetite and still loose weight through it. I would ask about the thyroid test (I had it - negative) but I should think its from anxiety.

09-09-10, 03:29
Thanks everyone, it's always good to get a bit of reassurance.

(I will have the thyroid test done just in case)


09-09-10, 17:37
I've lost a stone and half in the last 4 months or so as been super stressed, still been eating my takeaways and chocolate so don't know why I would lose so much other than the anxiety speeding up my metabolism

09-09-10, 21:44
Ive lost 2 stones in 7 months through anxiety!.. I had FBC done few months ago and excellent results.
At the height of my anxiety I was down to 950 cals a day for about 3 months, got it up to 1200 since then but I think i now associate eating with anxiety and also I think getting even more anxious that no weight is going back on causes more weight to come off ?

16-12-14, 10:33
Hello in my case I have exactly the same problem, so eating equal and sometimes more than before to start my HA I知 losing weight contanstly, during one month 1 kg/week aprox. I知 scared thinkin in some kind of terminal cancer or something like that. I would like to know if there is somebody with a similar problem than me. I知 a quite frustrated with this situation it is desperate. Anyone could give his/her feedback in this and if he knows why this happens. I know other persons that gain weight instead lose as my case

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

Hello in my case I have exactly the same problem, so eating equal and sometimes more than before to start my HA I知 losing weight contanstly, during one month 1 kg/week aprox. I知 scared thinkin in some kind of terminal cancer or something like that. I would like to know if there is somebody with a similar problem than me. I知 a quite frustrated with this situation it is desperate. Anyone could give his/her feedback in this and if he knows why this happens. I know other persons that gain weight instead lose as my case