View Full Version : Petried for tomorrow

08-09-10, 07:58
Hi guys

Well i'm sitting here having kittens :ohmy:. I am having my ct scan of my head tomorrow and am so scared they'll find something wrong. I pestered my doctor to get one because I had been experiencing terrible depersonality and feelings of not being with it and told her i was petried it was a tumor or something. She said that because she knows how i worry that the only way to get peace of mind was to have the scan :blush:. I put it off but then decided I would have it and booked it and they got me in for tomorrow. Now i'm really scared. I can feel my anxiety kicking in and i've started to feel shaky :unsure:. Any advice as to how i can calm down would be most appreciated.

thanks guys

08-09-10, 09:34
Sounds as though you need to distract yourself - TV, loud music, puzzles - anything that will work. And while you're having the scan, it doesn't last long; just try and switch off from what's going on. You might even go to sleep!

08-09-10, 12:16

Thanks for the reply, i'll give them a go and see if i can calm myself down

thanks heaps and i'll keep you posted

bye for now

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 12:20
Hi Tracy.
Good luck with your scan. I'm sure you will be fine, and when they give you the all clear, you'll be over the moon :yesyes::yesyes: Lots of hugs, Katie :hugs:

09-09-10, 01:32
Hi Guys

Well I've had the scan. It only took afew minutes and the lady was so nice to me. :). I did start to panic briefly because my eyes were covered for their protection but i hate not being able to open my eyes. However it was all over in only a few minutes so that was great and they're not scary at all. Now i just have to wait for the results and hope all is well :blush:

Thanks guys

09-09-10, 01:45
aw well done!!