View Full Version : Weird!

Silly Blonde
01-03-06, 12:56
I have been reading through some earlier posts and it is a bit strange how we all seem to "develop" symptoms if you concentrate on one particular disease/illness.

I only had heartburn before Xmas, but after having learned that the wife of my partner's work colleague died of ovarian cancer years ago (in her 30s) and after having read an article in a magazine all about the symptoms - low and behold I suddenly have most of the symptoms.

I am still struggling with this whole anxiety concept and maybe acceptance or lack of it is my biggest problem - but if it is true, the mind is one strange thing!

Ma Larkin
01-03-06, 13:22
Hi Silly Blonde, the mind really is a strange thing. I agree about the symptoms, I suffer from health anxiety, convinced I'm going to have a heart attack. I can't believe that having a major panic attack cannot put stress on the heart. I'm sick of being told its a strong little organ, I KNOW THIS, but it doesn't take the thoughts out of my mind that mine is about to pack up, even though I have had every test going, 15 times over, & am 100% fit. I "develop" that many symptoms I'm thinking of donating my body to medical science, boy they'd have their hands full!!

I hope you can get your head round all this anxiety. Good luck.


01-03-06, 14:54
hi guys. i too read and look on the internet and find i have what they all have i watched a programme today on ch5 and it was about ovarian cancer and i started thinking what if ive got that (my mum had it) so why cant i get it sounds like i should, and i found myself trying to find reasons to have ovarian cancer ten i read about a young guy in his 20's who went to bed and never woke up but he was healthy and fit and he kept getting palpitations but never thought anything of it he didnt feel ill but still died and yet theres us whi have symtoms feel ill and hacve palpitations so why couldnt we be like him but our is ALL IN OUR HEADS and weve been the same for a long time u read about these people who have only had symptoms for a few weeks we or i know i have had the same for 6 months if we were seriously ill we would of got worse thats how i see all this. also does anyone find themselves not wanting to talk about wether they feel better or not incase they jinks it and feel worse agin? i find i do that alot

good luck guys [8D]

Sheik N Shimmy
01-03-06, 16:00
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">ten i read about a young guy in his 20's who went to bed and never woke up but he was healthy and fit and he kept getting palpitations but never thought anything of it he didnt feel ill but still died [8D]
<div align="right">Originally posted by Katyf - 01 March 2006 : 14:54:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

How did the author know that the poor fellow didn't feel ill or didn't think anything about the palpitations!?!?!?


Keep On Keepin On

01-03-06, 17:07
if that was for me he probably never he must of felt someting but i mean the build up to it not like us who feel ill all day everyday or most times im saying think like that not negative