View Full Version : have you had a mri?

08-09-10, 10:10
Hi There,
can any one help please?
I have been refered for a mri scan, i was in a bit of a panic when i was with the consultant and forgot to ask a couple of things.
(he thinks i have migraine, i think i have a million and one awfull things depending on time of day and symptoms!!)
how long does it take from referal to scan?
then how long untill results are through?
and do they pick up on things like ms, and muscle wasting nasties that probably dont exsist (i have resisted the urge to google anything as i know i will then get even more symptoms that i have allready)!! even if they are not really looking for them?
I got the impression the consultant was so into the idea that i had migraines (although i dont really get headaches)that he didnt really listen to anything i was saying!!
Thanks for all your help

08-09-10, 10:17
Hello Smiles. I've had a head/brain MRI.

I went private so it all happened quite quickly so cant comment if you are going NHS.

Yes I do believe they will pick up findings such as MS - as this is what I was so scared about.

Of course, it all turned out ok and the consultant said I had a very healthy looking brain :D although I think he was trying to humour me because I was convinced I had MS. Headaches, dizzy, funny feelings in my legs. Turned out it was a joint problem in my neck (which the MRI picked up too) and was just told to have some physio.

I'm sure you'll be fine :yesyes:

08-09-10, 10:18
Oh, it's very noisy too, but you are allowed to take in a CD and they'll play it through the machine for you.

Hazel B
08-09-10, 12:12
Hello. I had an MRI scan 3 weeks ago after an ultrasound showed something on my liver. It has been ruled as nothing to worry about, but in the meantime I expected the worst. That's natural, you have to try to block the thoughts. My scan took 2 weeks from the referral (this was classed as urgent on the NHS) but my CT scan before that took 2 months. You can ask your doctor how long it will be or call the Radiology unit at the hospital.
I had been in a fret about the scan, but in the end I decided not to wear my glasses so I couldn't see properly and to think about all the people who make me happy, like my neices and nephews and their sweet faces. It worked and I was quite relaxed. It does get quite noisy as J said, I had headphones and a choice of cheesy music. They can talk to you through the headphones as well and hear you if you talk.
Hope this helps, ask me anything if you need to know more. They do tests to show you are OK in my opinion.

08-09-10, 21:59
Hi there,

I had a head and neck MRI on Tuesday. I was so scared; however it's not that bad. I was via NHS. Brand new building! It's very noisey but you can listen to music. They talk via a intercom and you can see them. You have a panic button and come out at anytime. I closed my eyes all the way through. It is very daunting; however I had a great nurse - she was fab. Now I have the most horrible bit of any test - the waiting. Can totally sympathise with you all. Best of luck. God Bless

Nina xx