View Full Version : Can I get a social worker?

08-09-10, 11:25
I can't seem to get any help from anywhere. The doctors won't give me the meds I want (need), the DWP and DLA refuse to view me as ill so that is making my anxiety and panic attacks worse. I feel like I have to fight to get everything and no one seems to believe I am ill. I got turned down for ESA and am now appealing.

I feel like if I got a social worker they'd be able to get everything sorted for me but is that actually the case? I'm at the end of my teather now and I can't go on.

08-09-10, 11:32
Not to sure if this is the case in your area but i have found help in a 'time 2 talk' team. Maybe this is set up in your area or something simular? worth googling?

08-09-10, 12:29
Hi Emz

If you want my pennyworth on this (which you mightn't!), you'll find a lot of people on here, including me, who think that medication isn't all it's cracked up to be. (unless of course you're suffering from a complex disorder like bipolar or schizophrenia, in which case it can be really necessary).

Medication can treat the symptoms (but it doesn't always), but it doesn't treat the cause - it's not a *cure*. it can also cause side effects which you might not like, and it's difficult to get off medication afterwards; it can take a long time and some people find their symptoms just come back, making it all a bit of a pointless exercise.

A "cure" is about changing behaviours permanently, and at the moment the best strategies for this seem to be things like CBT (or other associated techniques) or counselling.

Have you asked your GP whether you could be referred for counselling? Or to a CPN? This might be more helpful in the long run if you want to break the cycle of panic attacks.

It can be done; I haven't had a "real" panic attack for about 10 years, and now at worst I get a minor version of them that are fairly easy to control. I have had medication a number of times, but the thing that seemed to work best for me was counselling - although you do have to get a therapist who is suited to the way that you think.

As for the DWP, I'm afraid that with the new government, getting any sort of benefits is going to become harder, not easier. Any condition that is regarded as "curable" (such as anxiety) will be categorised as short term illness and therefore not suitable for ESA. Good luck with the appeal.

~glowly worm~
09-09-10, 11:43
Hi Emz,

having had to fight for the right care myself i really feel for you but there is hope...just dont give up you are RIGHT to appeal and fight and dont let them fobb you off!

The others are unfortunately correct - things are getting harder rather than better due to government cuts and benefits people really cant seem to get their heads around anxiety.

I don't know your full situation and am wary of giving innapropriate advice, however a good support or social worker can indeed help (depending if you get a decent one ;) ) Have you tried searching for a mental health advocate in your area? You can sometimes get their numbers from you local MIND.

Advocates are trained in fighting for you so take the pressure off and they are often (almost always) free. You tel them your situation, what you feel you need, what you are not getting and they appeal on your behalf whilst making sure you ar happy with what they are saying.

Another thought, have you tried changing doctors? You are entitled to try as many doctors as you like in the surgery and if that doesnt work then do change practices. It can be amazing the variation in opinions and supportiveness. It a bit like shopping for a car.. you have to test drive them ;) I went through all (about 10!) of the gps before i found one in my surgery that was helpful.

Theres also the Citizens advice beureaus, (CAB) you can google those to find the nearest one to you. They offer free advice although you may have a to wait a long time in a queue to be seen and this may not be possible for you if anxiety so high, but you can always take someone if you have a friend or family memer to go with you.

Hope this is of some use to you, do come back if not, but whatever you do.. do NOT give up!

Best of luck!
