View Full Version : Better in the evening but back to square one in the morning?

08-09-10, 12:19
Does anyone else find that they start feeling better in the evening only to find themselves back to square one in the morning?

I often find that I eventually feel quite relaxed by the latter half of the evening and manage to get to sleep ok but then as soon as I wake up it kicks in again.

Why is this? It is very disheartening and upsetting to feel that progress hasn't been made as previously thought.

I suppose I should just be thankful of any respite that I do get as there are probably other people who do not even get that.


Hazel B
08-09-10, 12:24
Hello. I have exactly the same thing, I was always a night person! It may be that the body has rested an then has energy when we wake up to expend. I was waking up with a pulse over 100 and it scared me. I was prescribed Propranolol and it has helped.
I tell myself to take one hour at a time and night will soon come, it helps.

08-09-10, 13:00
i feel that way also i still feel it at evening time but am able to manage it better than during the day

08-09-10, 13:03
I always feel more better in the evening when my partner is home. xxx

08-09-10, 13:13
I find exactly the same thing and from other posts I've seen, seems to be fairly common. As you say, bit disheartening when you feel yopu've gone back to square one in the morning but at least you have something to look forward to at the end of the day! I find that after a few days/weeks you start to feel better earlier in the day and gradually return to "normal"!!

08-09-10, 14:14
I have to agree with everyone else. I wake in the morning with racing pulse and palpitations and by the evening I can feel perfectly OK. Then the same thing happens the next day. I find that I wake up really early as well. Wonder what the reason is?

Hazel B
08-09-10, 14:21
In my case it is anxiety and stress, and not sleeping well. It's my body on adrenalin, I'm hoping the meds will ease it.

08-09-10, 14:31
this is exactly how i am.....im practically back to normal tracey in the evening....not quite...but 90% and i think every evening before i go to bed...tomorrow will be different...then i open my eyes and this blanket of high anxiety and panic comes over me......and i think oh no...not another day ahead!
i have had to take a diaz for two days in a row...but they make me eat a little if i didnt have them i wouldnt be eating at all.
lets hope and pray....and i do so very much that tomorrow morning will be better for all of us xxxx

08-09-10, 14:50
This is from the bodies natural diurnal rhythm. At night the cortisol and stimulating chemicals are at the lowest - they start to rise about 4:00 am and hit the peak between 6 and 10 am


becks xxx
08-09-10, 17:06
Yes this is exactly the same with me!! I think it's maybe because at night time we know we've got through another day suffering and we know when we're asleep we feel calm because it's like we're away from all our anxiety? However, when we wake in the morning, the thought of getting through the whole day and how long the days going to be sets it all off again

09-09-10, 09:33
Well, as usual I woke early feeling anxious after feeling quite calm last night. I even managed to have something to eat last night aswell which was an achievement in itself. As usual, I just have to keep plodding on & muddle through as best I can.

I find myself feeling anxious about the approaching weekend aswell as time seems to stretch out infront of me. My boyfriends son is also staying with us this weekend & so I am worried about how I will cope because I normally cook us nice meals & we go out & do stuff. I know I shouldn't predict the future or worry about things that haven't happened yet but that's just how I'm feeling at the moment. My boyfriend is very supportive so I'll have a chat with him tonight to explain how I'm feeling & see if we can come up with a plan of action so that I don't have to cook - I just couldn't stomach it.

This anxiety is beginning to p*ss me off. I wish it would just leave me alone & let me get back to my "normal" self. I am sick to death of being a misery guts sat at my desk with a face like a slapped backside!

This forum is a real help though. It helps me get through the day reading about everyone else's experiences

Thanks for listening


09-09-10, 13:46

I always wake with anxiety and sometimes racing pulse. Afternoons and evenings are better for me. I find when I am having a good spell the anxiety quickly disappears but at bad times it lingers throughout the day!! Very strange!!


10-09-10, 02:08
It seems to be quite common for people to wake up and start the day in a state of anxiety presumably caused by the fear and dred of another stresful day ahead of them.

Well I'm totally different to everyone who's replied and most other people.
Although anxiety is always lurking somewhere inside me 24/7 my anxiety levels are very low first thing in the morning but shoot through the roof about midday until late in the evening.

In a morning I can quite easily go shopping,get my hair cut,catch a bus etc but come afternoon and evening I have to seriously think about where I go and what I do as feare and chance of having a bad panic attack are greatly increased than first thing.

My anxiety is that bad in the afternoon I've had to take a job working nights hence the name.

11-09-10, 13:08
i find that i get better in the eve, then have trouble sleeping and then its back in the morning. it comforting to know its a common thing.

Sit2Know, its wierd because i seem to wake up nearly every night about half 3-4 ish and then again anything between 6 and half 7ish. it varies but those are the times that i notice alot. lol.. :( xx

11-09-10, 14:40
My mornings are always worse and by the evening I feel so much better. Weekends can be hard, because during the work I have to concentrate on going to work and it is usually really busy there. Weekends I have to force myself to go out and do things.

12-09-10, 13:20
I get this too i think also im more relaxed at night because my partner is home and i know i dont have to deal with everything on my own and if something happens at least some one will be there.. i find that initially when i wake up im ok but as soon as i get out of bed and start do anything i start getting lots of anxiety symptoms that will stay with me the rest of the day.

13-09-10, 01:54
I am the same - my theory:

In the morning you have the whole day to face. "How can i get through it?". By the evening you've done it, you can relax, sleep is coming (sleep is the only respite).

The next morning you realise, you've got to face the next day.

It does get easier. x

13-09-10, 11:14
I totally identify with this, and it's horrible. It's worse now that I've started waking up really early too.

What I would say, and what I'm going to tell myself, is to look forward and be glad of the bit of respite whch comes in the evening. Whenever I feel OK in the evening, I keep a note of it on a thought record to assure myself that I don't always feel awful, and make sure I note down what I feel good about. Tonight I'm going round to my mum and dad's to watch Wallander. I feel terrible right now, but at least I can look forward to that.

23-09-10, 23:34
Thats the same way with me too. I feel almost back to normal at night before I go to bed and I'm eating and everything, then all a sudden I feel nervous and down again the next morning. I think its your body being confused after sleeping, thats what my councellor told me. Either way, its not fun feeling like you're back to square one again. :flowers: