View Full Version : Had my appointment about mole today

08-09-10, 12:25
Well I had my appointment at skin tumour clinic this morning and had two people look at mole on my back, one was the consultant and both said it is fine and to just monitor it - Measure it and check it doesn't grow every few months. They said moles can grow in your 20's. Told me I shouldn't sunbathe as any UV exposure put you at risk of skin cancer. Obviously they are going to say that as they are dermotologists but I won't be sunbathing again anyway after this experience, it's not worth the risk.

I know I need to forget it now and be reassured. I wonder what my next worry will be.

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 12:28
Hey babe, well done for getting it checked ;) Bet you feel lots better now you have had reassurance off two top people :) ive been worried about a mole on my shoulder for a while now.. and last week one appeared on my leg :/ freeks me out.
Just keep it out of the sun, check it (but not obsessively) and youl be fine. You dont need another worrie. Just be happieeee that the moles fine :) x x x x x x