View Full Version : diaz.....

08-09-10, 14:55
for the last two days my depression/high anxiety/panic has gone into overdrive...i have had to take a diaz a day.....i know they are addictive but if i didnt take them i wouldnt be able to function...and i have a daughter so i need to be able to do things.

also....they make me eat....i havent eaten properly since june and have lost loads of weight.

im scared about taking them...but.....i dont know wotelse to do.

Hazel B
08-09-10, 15:01
The doctor will not give you too many on one prescription, they will monitor you, so don't worry. Do you have anything else to help with anxiety? Sorry, I can't remember as my memory is rubbish at the mo!
I have also lost weight but have now decided not to worry about it anymore.
Diaz is for short term use only so make sure you also have something else to help you. Take care.

08-09-10, 15:02
if they make you feel better take them you will be ok ,plus its good to eat

08-09-10, 15:10
thank you my friends.....i thought you might tell me off gypsy lol xxxxx and it is definately good to eat...im going to get some complan today xxxx

hazel....how do you mean do i have anything else my love xxxxx

Hazel B
08-09-10, 15:13
I meant, do you have other meds apart from Diaz? Are you taking any other tablets?
Take care am thinking of you.

08-09-10, 15:29
Deffo get some complan or something babe.
Also dont forgrt to tell the doc you are not eating propley. xxx

08-09-10, 15:34
oh yes i am sorry...im not on the ball these days.

im on cit...since the 9th july 20mg and had an increase to 30 mg on the 27th august but no improvement and no let up.

so i am going back to gp on friday.....i cannot cope anymore my love xxxxx

hope you both are ok xxxxx

Hazel B
08-09-10, 15:40
Calm, please do go back to the doctor, tell them exactly how you feel, they are there to help and support you.
I agree with Sharon, get some Complan/milky drinks/chicken and veg soup, anything with protein and vitamins that you can manage. I've read that oats are very good as well for your tummy and mood, I've been eating porridge every day, feels like being a kid again but it's really comforting and warm.
Take care, you are not alone.

08-09-10, 17:19
just had a powercut lol so couldnt reply...thank you all one and all...you dont know how comforting you all are....i would be in an abyss if it wasnt for you all.

can i ask you one other thing....my friend said that i should tell the doctor about my counsellor from the surgery....when i went a couple of weeks ago....i asked her about tips on coping with high anxiety and panic and she kindly told me that "they were all crap".....and then she went on about her cats....i wouldnt slander her or anything just say that she was not really interested and didnt have the skills to deal with this problem....or should i say nothing...i am going to see if i can get referred for "cbt".
wot do you think my friends xxxxx

Hazel B
08-09-10, 17:27
There are tips that can help you with anxiety, I don't know what your counsellor is talking about. Definitely tell the doctor, you need a reassuring and professional counsellor who makes you feel safe and understood, not someone who talks about themselves. You deserve better. Don't let the illness make you feel you deserve second best, you are entitled to good support.

08-09-10, 17:31
thank you hazel...i think i will...i wont be horrible just say it didnt work for me....and see if she can refer me for cbt xxxx

thank you so much appreciated xxxxx

Hazel B
08-09-10, 18:08
You are right, you don't have to be personal or rude about the counsellor, just be assertive and say that you would like to try another person or another method. Practise saying it out loud if it helps you.
You deserve the right help, don't let anyone make you feel any different.

08-09-10, 18:11
she or he should not have said that to you ,un feeling person hope they never have need of help stay well my dear friend xxxxx

08-09-10, 20:52
thank you too you both...i was absolutely gob-smacked and a shaken by her response when we are in a vulnarable state this is the last thing they should say.

i will talk to the gp in confidence and just say that i was rather confused and say what she said was of no help at all and i think i should be referred to a cbt therapist.

can i just say once again...i so appreciate your help xxxx

13-09-10, 01:35
I have a love/hate relationship with Diazepam. It's addictive (i was addicted when i was 14/15), but it works.

Before the current bout of depression i am, i would carry them everywhere i go. I would never use them, but i HAD to know i had them, just in case. The security blanket was enough.

Since falling into this severe anxiety and depression, i have not been functioning at all. My mum said to me, take some diazepam, and given all i have wanted to do is die (could never kill myself due to a faith, which i resent) i know it would help. I kept resisting - but eventually i gave in - best thing i did. I actually have some respite.

If things are THAT bad, why suffer so much? If you can manage then don't take them, but if you are desperate please take them. Try not to rely on them, and if you are feeling better, see it as an achievement that you haven't taken one. The key is taking them when you really, really need them.

Hope that helps x

13-09-10, 11:29
yes it does oh so much....i havent taken any for a good few days....but today....i have...i have such high anxiety it is killing me both mentally and physically!

thank you...and i am not going to get hung up in taking them....thank you once again.....you dont know how much i appreciate it! xxxxx