View Full Version : Want to cry but cant

08-09-10, 15:40
Does anyone else feel this way? I just know a good cry would maybe help with the way im feeling at the moment but i just cant cry and its stressin me out even more.Xx

Hazel B
08-09-10, 15:46
I am sure the tears will come when they are ready x

08-09-10, 18:52
i sometimes get like this too. last night i wanted to come home and have a cry but i just couldnt get it to happen. felt like all the emotion was stuck inside me. i sometimes watch a sad movie to help it along. xx

08-09-10, 20:34
You sound just like my mum. She many a time could do with a good outburst but it never comes. I on the other hand could cry for Britain, adverts, films, sad story anything and everything. I agree with Hazel, the tears will come when they're ready and like clairbear I would suggest a real weepy film.
Take care,

08-09-10, 20:44
Thank you. Must admit a weepy film normally does it for me too but even thats not working at the moment.Xx

08-09-10, 20:59
Heaven Scent, I went through a couple of years where I had the same exact feeling - I just knew that a really good tear fest would make me feel so much better, but the tears simply wouldn't come, no matter what I tried.

As my condition has been improved, I have enjoyed a good cry or two. I'm sure you'll find in time that as you continue healing the ability to release the pent up emotion through tears will come naturally.

08-09-10, 21:00
you know wot i cant cry....with everything going on i thought i would - but no - nothing. i feel kind of, not sure how to explain but, oh i dont know lol xxxx but i wish i could as i know a good cry can do the power of good xxxx

08-09-10, 23:44
Me too. Your not on your own.

I have been worrying for weeks that I have bowel cancer, my mum past out monday night and no1 knows why, my dads just sorted his life insurance out already - and he's only 46 (which makes me wonder?) and I have just split from a 4 year relationship. All in the space of 3 days.

Life is pants right now =(

Hope u all feel better soon. x

09-09-10, 00:02
Not being able to cry can be a side effect of medication .In my case its true .I m not a crier at the best of times .But have only become tearful three times in the past year ,but never really cried properly .Its like im trying to protect myself from the inside .Ive often thought id feel better if I could have a good old bawl .But it will come when im finally off my meds no doubt .Till then , no black eyes from smudged mascara ..:yesyes:Well youve got to look on the positive side havnt you ? lol..Sue