View Full Version : toes keep feeling dead

08-09-10, 18:43
As the title says. My toes keep
feeling dead.
And sometimes numb and pin and needles. It feels like something tied round them. Im not in huge pain but it buggin. And im worrying i mite have to go to hospital and im Agrophobic. :-(

08-09-10, 18:46
i have this quite a lot,my feet are also quite cold dont know if its connected.

08-09-10, 20:29
Last summer my big toe kept getting a weird numb/dead feeling, right down the side by the nail. It turned out to be an ill fitting pair of trainees!
It could be a circulation thing, sitting/lying too long in the same position. When Im feeling really stressed or near panic I can get numbness in my fingers, arms and sometimes my face and tongue. I wouldnt worry too much but sometimes if a thing is persistant its best to speak to your gp or practice nurse. I know how you feel though, Im agoraphobic and fear having to visit the gp or hospital.
Take care,

09-09-10, 18:38
well i never wear socks not in summer anyway,, but i put on some socks last nite and again to day as had jeans on cause summer has gone,, and i think there a bit better,, i do notice sometimes when sitting down my feet go purple, just sitting upright on a chair,

Fly away Katie
09-09-10, 22:59
My toes are always FREEEZING cold, and look a horribly unhealthy colour x x

10-09-10, 13:11
well im not sure wots going on now,, i have amassive bruise going across my foot now ,, maybe ive hit my foot but it hurts so much now,

Fly away Katie
10-09-10, 19:18
Try not to focus too much on it, toes are sensitive. they're always getting knocked and bashed around. (poor toesss) My one toe is really swollen and red, but ive never had it seen to. Youl be just fine ;) x x x x x x