View Full Version : GAD sufferer looking for help and support...

08-09-10, 20:06
Hi all,
I've registered as I have had 3 periods within the last 5 years of really bad GAD.

This time I've been suffering since April this year and have high anxiety and panic attacks almost daily.

I'm on citalopram which has helped in the past but doesn't seem to help this time although I've only been on a full 20mg dose for 4 weeks, am also on diazepan which I can take when I need it as my GP was worred about the amount of weight I've lost as I have no appetite.

I'm just starting CBT, regular exercise and am learning to meditate too. Some days like today I feel so hopeless.

By registering on here I'm just looking for some support from people who understand how awful GAD can make you feel and wondering if there really will ever be an end to this hell.

08-09-10, 20:08
Hi JillyH

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Hazel B
08-09-10, 20:15
Hello. It seems that you are doing everything you can to help yourself, well done.
I have had anxiety for 3 months after a serious health scare, I have been told I'm ok now but could not come down from the constant worry and adrenalin rush. I finally went to the doctor for help, was put on Citalopram then changed to other things as it did not stop my pulse from racing at over 100bpm. You have done the right thing to join the forum, there are many people who understand and will not judge and can advise.
Take care of yourself.

Vanilla Sky
09-09-10, 19:24
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Fly away Katie
09-09-10, 19:28
Hello and :welcome: to NMP x x x x