View Full Version : Increasing Seroxat dose

08-09-10, 20:06
Been on Seroxat for 9 years 20mg, the last 2 on 10mg, the anxiety seems to have returned and 10mg is not enough, going up to 15mg to see if it helps. Has anyone else been in this situation? Did you have the wierd feelings while increasing?

08-09-10, 20:08
Hi markrut

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-09-10, 21:15

i am in the same situation, ive been on them 10 years 20 mg but panicks have come back, worse.
my doctor wants me to go upto 40 mg slowly but im petrified as the side effects were horendous swen i started them, let me know how u get on xxxx

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 22:18
Hello and :welcome: to NMP x x x

09-09-10, 11:51
Hello Mark and Maybe

Although I'm on a different medication, citalopram, I also worried about increasing the dose, as you both do. I need not have worried, hardly any noticeable symptoms.

09-09-10, 14:14
im worried because its been along time since initially starting them, do you feel any better by upping them?

09-09-10, 14:41
Definitely, yes I do

09-09-10, 15:59
ive got agriphobia and i cant see by taking bit more its going get me out,

09-09-10, 19:05
It may just help you feel a little less anxious about going out? Perhaps check it out with your GP?

Kerry B
09-09-10, 22:10
Hi I am on Seroxate started on 20mg then moved up to 30mg and now moved up to 40mg over a week now and I the only side effects I have noticed is the tiredness and no enery, but also had the same side effects when I moved upto 30mg, this does disapear within 3 weeks.

10-09-10, 18:55

how long have you been on seroxat? when i first went on them 10 -11 years ago i thought i was dying i felt so ill, couldnt breath because of panic...thats what im frightened of. can i ask what you take them for?

Kerry B
10-09-10, 20:08
Hi, I first started taking the in 1997 and came of then in Oct 2009. As they seemed to stop working for me, I changed to Cipralex but these didnt help me at all, so in July this year I started back on Seroxat. I have Panic Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. I have been 50% better since I started taking them again in July. Pm me if you want to ask me anything

11-09-10, 17:35

i am in the same situation, ive been on them 10 years 20 mg but panicks have come back, worse.
my doctor wants me to go upto 40 mg slowly but im petrified as the side effects were horendous swen i started them, let me know how u get on xxxx

Hi maybeoneday,
For the last 12 months I have had a return of anxiety, I have been very reluctant to increase the dose due to all the bad news about seroxat, withdrawal etc. I have seen many GP's and none of them have a clue what to do. I basically have research and tell them what I think I need to do. I have been told to slowly taper from 10mg to get off it or to switch to another SSRI, the problem is if I am anxious why come off them. I saw a GP last week and said that I felt I needed to increase seroxat despite not wanting to to 15mg or 20mg, get stable and look at tapering off. Not one GP suggested this.
I have increased to 15mg for the last 5 days, I am having moments of increased heartbeat and moments of calm heartbeat, fairly anxious and irritable, all the symptoms I expected by increaseing the dose, hopefully after a few weeks the extra dose will start working.

11-09-10, 20:42
hi murcrut
well done for being brave, i tell the doctors im scared of upping because of side effects but they dimiss it or say its me!!! not the side effects grrrrr.
im having a terrible time at the moment with my stomach, i have bloarting, sickness, heartburn also sinus problems, this is getting me down, ive been like this for a year and all the doctor says is up your seroxat!! i saw another doctor who is at last sending me ent.. for sinuses,and shes trying to sort stomach problems out, at last!!!
once i feel better in myself i can start to cope with the panic side..if this makes sence. let me know how you get on with your upped dosage

14-09-10, 15:35
Day 8 of increasing the dose from 10mg to 15mg and have had dizziness, heightened anxiety and aggitation. I understand it can take 2 to 4 weeks for the new dose to be effective. Has anyone else had side effects when increasing the dose, if so how long did they last for?

Kerry B
15-09-10, 11:27
Hi Ive been on the 40mg now for two weeks and the only symptons I recall is no energy, tiredness, and not being able to sleep, but the Docrtor did say it can take upto 4 weeks to see the result, but I feel I am making progress - on Saturday I went into town on my own for the first time since May. I only stayed an hour as I was anxious but felt quite normal, so I am praying this is a good sign.

21-09-10, 18:15

i am in the same situation, ive been on them 10 years 20 mg but panicks have come back, worse.
my doctor wants me to go upto 40 mg slowly but im petrified as the side effects were horendous swen i started them, let me know how u get on xxxx

Hi maybeoneday,

Did you increase your dose, if so how are you getting on. After 14 days of increasing from 10mg to 15mg I still feel shaky, anxious, headache, nausea, tiredness

21-09-10, 23:08
hi markrut

no i havnt increase yet..:( im just too scared!! im going back to my doctors on friday, i just dont know how to put that bloody extra tablet in my mouth.......
are you coping alright with it in general? i remember when i first took it , it took a few weeks to work and i didnt feel good till i went up to 20mg..

denise x:yesyes:

22-09-10, 14:49
Hi Denise,

Went to the Docs today due to feeling really anxious etc, he mentioned that an extra 5mg should not really cause problems for me and suggested trying to go back to 10mg for a week to see how I feel. I went to 15mg because 10mg was doing me no good. He also mention that maybe my body has become used to seroxat and that switching to another medication might be better.

30-09-10, 18:57
3 and half weeks from increasing from 10mg Seroxat to 15mg and now increasing to 20mg as the increase to 10mg his not working, still feeling anxious and low mood. Has anyone else increased the dose of seroxat and it has not worked, if so what did you do?

28-10-10, 12:04
Increased my Seroxat dose to 20mg from 10mg, now on 20mg for 4 weeks although my anxiety has got better I am getting other problems, night sweats, tight chest feeling, cough, face and head tension, headache, feeling sick sometimes, upset stomach. Has anyone else had these effects?

28-10-10, 14:56
Face and head tension as well as headaches and stomach upset can actually be caused by anxiety - so if you are spending a fair bit of time worrying about the increased dosage of your meds it's probably not helping the situation any :( I would suggest trying to relax in to it and give them time to work at the increased dose.

28-10-10, 16:23
Increased my Seroxat dose to 20mg from 10mg, now on 20mg for 4 weeks although my anxiety has got better I am getting other problems, night sweats, tight chest feeling, cough, face and head tension, headache, feeling sick sometimes, upset stomach. Has anyone else had these effects?
I was originally on 20mg...... then went through a bad spell and was put up to 40mg...... then had another bad spell and went up to 60mg!!..... well after a few months went through another bad spell and came to the conclusion they were a complete waste of time with me so reduced over the last couple of months down to 10mg now..... bit of trouble with insomnia during the reduction ...... and I'm otherwise feeling ok!! Didn't experience any sideffects when increasing the dose at all. I might be wrong but my own personal opinion is that anxiety/depression will naturally clear up given time..... when we start taking the medication and see an improvement after so many weeks, that improvement may well have happened whether we were taking the pills or not..... might be wrong on that though!

20-12-10, 17:14
Increased my Seroxat dose to 20mg from 10mg, now on 20mg for 4 weeks although my anxiety has got better I am getting other problems, night sweats, tight chest feeling, cough, face and head tension, headache, feeling sick sometimes, upset stomach. Has anyone else had these effects?
hi murkrut
just wondered how your getting on with the extra seroxat, i still not plucked up courage to take extra 10mg... but realy need too im struggling with anxiety at the moment.