View Full Version : Eveyone.. Please read, throat probs!!!

08-09-10, 22:09
Hi there,

Please, anyone/everyone can you tell me if you e had throat problems and can you tell mr your symptoms. I am actually going nuts here right now. I am CONVINCED I have Oral Cancer. Doesn't help I've had to tell 3 of my patients they have Oral Cancer today (I work on the Maxillo -Facial, head and neck department) FEAKING OUT. Please tell me your throat probs and symtoms....... Many thanks

A very worried...... Neen. Oh and had MRI Tuesday - awaiting results from that and Barium Swallow. Big time worried and panicked.

08-09-10, 22:11
Sorry for spelling mistakes.... iPhones huh. Predicted text whilst engrossed in what you're writing - don't mesh well.


Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 22:28
I believe I have had all the throat symptoms under the sun.
-feels like its closing up
-feeling like its sore
-feeling like my breathings restricted because of it
-feelings of choking (when im not)
-random, weird pains shooting up it

Ive had SO many feelings in my throat.
Im sure youl be fine, cant you diagnose yourself anyways? :P x x xxx

08-09-10, 22:35
ive had all the same as kate to also i constantly feel like i get food stuck and im choking its all anx hun

08-09-10, 22:37
No wonder you're not feeling good...having to two tell 3 people in one day that they have oral cancer must be very very tough even for an experienced medical professional.

Here are my throat symptoms:

-Itchy throat which felt itchier when looking up (I had that a couple of weeks ago and it went when I stopped worrying about it)
-Yellow spots on my tonsils when I had tonsilitis
-Year long sore throat in the first year of university!!
-Clearing my throat (goes away when I'm not worrying about it)
-Tight, sore feeling after panic attack led to me wretching

Moonlight x

08-09-10, 23:05
Thank you,

Yes I can diagnose myself - that's the trouble; however I've had all the consultants look, feel and look again. But I work at a different hospital to where I live. So I've had to go through the regular patient route. I can quite easily pop down to A&E no probs. But even if the consultants I work with orders an MRI, CT scan PET scan etc they would still need a referral letter in order to start the clock ticking (NHS pathway) and to get paid. I could if got my GP to refer me to the hospital I work at; however I didn't work there at the time! I was working in community for King's in London - so it was easier and nearer to go to my residential hospital!

Also I know 'too' much! See too much. My symptoms can be a sign or indication of throat cancer. My symptoms include:,
- tightness (this was more like 4 months ago)
- typical Globus Hystericus symptoms
- feeling of a lump, debris, food stuck
- feeling like a pill was lodged
- feeling like there was a flap of skin deep in my throat
- severe dull ache pain in my neck. Right side only.
- dull ache pain in my chest, right side
- dull ache in right shoulder area
- burning sensation

Right now it feels like there is pressure like, burning like, rough feeling sensation going on below my Adams apple. It's the most gizzard - yet scariest feeling. ENT think it's LPR (silent reflux got me on Gastro - Restraint meds) my consultants think it's muscle spasms. I think it's throat cancer. Convinced MRI and X-rays will come back bad news. I shattered a woman and her husbands lives today. Obviously not me personally but myself and my team. You think I'd be used to it! Nope. My eyes welled up and I had to excuse myself. Another one of the nurses cried for another patient. It never gets easier........ I'm just so scared of being the patient. Thanks for your support and sorry to ramble. My ma is the only one who understands. People automatically think being a nurse we would be accustomed to 'bad news' but in all honesty.... It's worse as we see and hear more, know more, know how it all works behind the doors. 10 years and I still cry at bad news..... Thanks again

Nina xxx

08-09-10, 23:08
omg yesterday i felt like i had a pill lodges it was horrid 6 hrs it felt like that i was told not to worry cos it will dissolve it freaked me out

08-09-10, 23:12

I felt like something has been lodged for 5 months!!! I wish it were on 6 hours. But I can totally sympathise at how scary this feelin is.


08-09-10, 23:34
god yeh it was terrifying me i thought it was gonna choke me

09-09-10, 07:17
The thing is I don't actually feel anxious or stressed. The symptoms consequently make feel anxious. Vicious circle huh? I was very, very stressed and anxious about 5 months ago. Full on panic attacks everyday for a about 2 weeks. They subsided gradually then this poxy throat problem walked through the door - when I thought I was on the road to recovery? Can it still affect you (Anxiety related symptoms) even after the initial stress??? This bothers me so much. Thanks for reading


09-09-10, 07:30
Hi Nina

Your last post sounded just like me!! I have a different problem, bad neck and shoulders, but I feel really worried about them...and it is the symptom that has made me feel anxious again. I am not panicking like I was earlier in the year and am dismayed that this is causing a set back.

I wonder if the stress habit is still just under the surface and will take longer to go away...in the meantime we get more worried than we should by our symptoms.

I don't know what the answer is though, sorry.

09-09-10, 07:46
I've had throat and mouth problems for two and a half years now, and all the symptoms you describe, however they are never there on first waking up, they leave me in the winter and they are there whether i am feeling anx or not.

di x

09-09-10, 08:13
yes it can hun cos even though u think ur not u are still stressed cos ur thinkin and woring about it ur stress is job related and u may have been ok but something has triggered it to come back it sounds like health anx to me i have it big time when 1 thinggoes something else takes its place

10-09-10, 07:07
Thanks for all your replies. I just can't stand this anymore. This feeling in my throat - constantly. The only break I get is from eating and sleeping. I just can't stand it. I'm so scared it's cancer, it's ruining my life - taking over. It's always there. Now it feels rough in my throat right side only. Do you peeps suffer with one sided stuff?

Nina xx

10-09-10, 11:04
I have every single throat 'feeling' that I can imagine!!!

One sided, both sides back of throat, roof of mouth, pain in throat, lump in throat, short of breath....the list is ENDLESS!!!

It is really getting me down at the moment too but keep trying to tell myself it is just anxiety x

Fly away Katie
10-09-10, 12:36
Its tough, because there are so many feelings you can feel in your throat, its a nightmare. I wont go near pills because of it. I have to have sachet baby medicine. So I usally suffer x

10-09-10, 15:26
sending huge hugs Neen ((((((((( :hugs:))))))))))))))) it must be so hard for you having to do that

im having neck problems more like spasms and stuff and also my lymph glands/nodes are really prominent and have been since i was about 11, i was convinced one was swollen up last week and had gp look twice and he says no, also ive had dull aches in my right side of throat :( :(

Jen x

10-09-10, 16:51
Hi Nina

Im sorry that you are having such a hard time. Sounds like you are really anxious about stuff. I bet its hard to switch of from what you see at work when you are feeling vulnerable yourself.

I wonder if it would help you to think of any other times inthe past that you have jumped to conclusions about stuff and later found out that you were wrong.

What you have said about what the consultants have said makes me feel really reasurred for you.

Can you think of any reason why your emotions are telling you that you have cancer above and beyond the 'symptoms'? I know that part of me thinks i 'deserve' to be ill? Do you feel that way to?


10-09-10, 19:13

Thanks for your reply. I've always been a worrier. I have always thought the worst. I don't think I 'deserve' to be I'll. I just think I am. I never use to think about dying and cancer though.

That started when my mum had skin can er and I rushed to the docs to have all my moles checked...... The rest is history. Onto the downward spiral of HA I jumped.

I push, poke and prod my neck muscles and lymth nodes constantly every half hour or so. I was driving home from work this evening thinking: 'my throat feels so rough - right to my to gue, my node on the right hurts and I have a pain in my right shoulder and in the front of my chest'

I just can't shift these feeling about cancer. I keep going through the senario when they 'tell me' I mean this isn't normal! I really struggle to put this down to spasms and anxiety! I'm in such pain at the minute - hubby is not being understanding in the slightest.

I am allot better than I was 5 months ago - emotionally and anxiety wise. I'll always be an anxious person, that will never go. I'm just so worried and know I would cope with bad news. Then I think what happens if I do have oral cancer mine will be inoperable. Like this gentlemans was today :-( it's a really f&Łking shit disease!! It gets me' angry too. I'm doing a 10k sponsored run next Saturday for the Mouth Cancer Foundation. I have so many mixed emotions at the minute.

I really feel for you and your neck. I had a month of severe neck pain ( another reason I freaked out ) it went into complete spasm and I couldn't move! It was red hot burning too. GP had to put mr on a mix of Codeine and diazepam! I had never bad diazepam in my life!! And I was off work for a week. I never take time off either! It was bad!

Try exercise, warm ho****er bottle, massage, moving your head from side to side, up and down. Stretching and yoga all help. Alcohol makes things 10 times worst. Thanks for the chat. I really need to get things off my chest.

Neen xx

10-09-10, 19:27
sending more hugs hun. Im getting all right sided stuff at the moment all to do with my neck, shoulders, and a gland i keep prodding and poking about just as you have described and it only makes things worse, you are not alone xxxxxxxx