View Full Version : Doctors Today! ;(

09-09-10, 08:50
Got doctors at half 10 about my continuous chest pains, palpitations and axniety and gotta ask him/her about anemia ;( Really nervous as I hate goin the doctors. Scared he/she will tell me I'm wastin their time an I'll get all sad. Lookin for a bit of moral support I guess! Windin myself up really bad ;( xx

09-09-10, 09:03
Emma, you tell doc you are worried, doctors are supposed to be there to put your mind at ease and not tell you that you are wasting there time, i have never had a doc say that to me and i'm sure they won't say it to you.

Let us know how you get on :hugs:

di xx

09-09-10, 09:11
Thx a lot diane thts helped put my mind at rest! :) I'll post on how it goes lata xx

09-09-10, 09:41
Good luck at the doctors, don't worry about wasting their time that's what they are there for. Let us know how you get on.

09-09-10, 12:16
Thx Ann :) I've been! He was really lovely to me :D Gave me some more propranolol and really reassured me had a propa convo about it. Told me I'm perfectly healthy and put my mind at rest it's impossible to develop a heart defect in 6 months! Also was same Dr I went to bout my anx 3 months or so ago so he knew all about me. Really glad I went :) xx

09-09-10, 12:23
Aww emma,

I'm so pleased for you, well done.

di xx