View Full Version : Biopsy tomorrow =[! scared!

09-09-10, 09:08
So if you haven't seen my other rants about this - about a month a go I got referred to the hopsital for a biopsy on a lymph gland in my neck which has been enlarged even since I was about 5 (i'm now 20.) my blood tests showed a slight inflammation so the doctor said be had a protocol to follow and should refer me to a surgeon! I came down with a throat infection the day after though so I'm kinda thinking it was that that caused the inflammation in my blood!
Anyway, the appointment wasn't for a month so I tried to calm down but now the dreaded day has come around and it's tomorrow!
I'm seriously scared about getting the results - I think I have to wait a week!
Am convinced it is gonna be something like lymphoma! And even though Ive had this gland since o was about 5 I'm paranoid that i'e had cancer for all this time and am now doomed!

To make things worse - my boyfriend was meant to be coming with me for the ap and yesterday I found out he couldn't as he lives two hours away and couldn't get the day off work! So now it's a bit short notice for anyone to come with me =[ xxxx

09-09-10, 09:09
Ps sorry about the typos - I'm on the iPhone =p

16-09-10, 10:24
Hi Helen,

Was just wondering how your biopsy went and when it is you will hear anything about it , and also was it painful getting biopsy done , was thinking about you as i knew it was sometime soon.

shirley xx

17-09-10, 22:42
Hi, sorry I took so long to reply!
I didn't notice anyone had replied haha!

I went to the hospital last friday and saw the surgeon who was going to perform the biopsy.

He felt the gland and said straight away that he didnt think it was cancer at all (PHEWWW) and he didnt really see why my GP referred me for a biopsy so quickly after my blood work.

He has decided it would be better for my anxiety to remove the gland completely under a general anaesthetic. So i'm waiting for that appointment to come through now.
Was a relief to hear him say he thinks its fine.
He will send the gland off for tests but he isn't worried.

Huge weight off my chest!!
Just want the operation over now so i know i am 100% okay!

Hope everything is okay with you? xx:)

18-09-10, 01:28
Good news!!

21-11-14, 08:31
Hi Helen I know it been so long how was your biopsy?