View Full Version : Found a lump - So scared...

09-09-10, 09:50

This week I have found a lump on my left breast (I promise this isn't anxiety - I really have)

I have booked a doctors appointment today - I am petrified!

I am 29 and have quite big boobs anyway so I guess they are going to be lumpy, but i am so scared.

Has anyone else had this?

Please someone calm me down!


09-09-10, 11:52
Hi Heidi

First of all, breast cancer really is quite rare in young women, and a lot of the lumps that appear are actually cysts. I seem to remember reading that 9 out of 10 breast lumps are harmless, so it's pretty likely that you are going to be in the 90%.

However, if you're going to the doctor's today, that's absolutely the right thing to do, and he/she will be able to get it checked out quickly.

Do let us know how you get on xx

09-09-10, 12:06
Hi Heidi

One of my friends had a cycst thing came up in her breast, it was like a lump,it was harmless.

Another friend had a hardish lump in hers and that too was nothing of importance.

I have my lots of little hard lumps in mine on and off and it was hormone related , like milk ducts becuase of estrogen and progesterone rises easch month.

We are all early thirties now and my two friends were late twenties when they found their lumps

Be brave and it will all get sorted out. I bet you leave the drs tommorow feeling much better.


09-09-10, 22:22
I have been to the dr's today - she really calmed me down.

She has referred me to the hospital for breast screeing, but says this is normal ( i hope so)

So will just have to wait a couple of weeks I guess.

Glad I went to the docs.

Thanks for your support!


Fly away Katie
09-09-10, 22:36
Hello Heidi, I can totally understand your fear. I swear in the past ive found lumps and bumps in my boobs. Im so scared of finding something now, that I wont even touch them. Im sure youl be fine x x x xx