View Full Version : claire weekes/paul david books

09-09-10, 09:54
hi folks

just a quick question i have noticed a couple of books one by claire weekes called self help for your nerves and one by paul david called a life at last does anyone know which is better and how good the books are


09-09-10, 09:57
Haven't read the Paul David ones, but the Claire Weekes one is fab, we sell it here on NMP.

09-09-10, 10:18
I have the Claire Weekes book & she speaks alot of sense.
I haven't read the Paul David book although I have visited his website which has some useful articles on it http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk

09-09-10, 12:23
has the claire weekes books been of use with people feeling better after reading and understanding them i keep seeing so much info and i dont know which to go for.


becks xxx
09-09-10, 15:55
A life at last was the first book i read and i always go back to it as when im having a low moment it's so good at helping me pick myself up again
Paul's book is fantastic!!!!!! and i really recommend you try it
I also have claire weekes book, this is helpful too however i really recomment pauls

09-09-10, 16:28
Not read Paul David, but have read Claire weekes and have her MP3 audio. I thought her book and way of explaining anxiety was fantastic :)