View Full Version : hiya all im new,this is me

09-09-10, 11:25
hiya all!!!! this is me..............im a mummy of 2 very special boys,and im engaged to a fab partner,and harvey the dog! i have been agoraphobic for 5 years now,i don't go out at all i really am a prisoner in my home, i started to get better a year ago i was starting to go to the local shop and the city farm, and my mental state was great! i have been on and off meds and seeing different people from mental health and to be honest all that stresses me out to much, so i started to see a councilor at home and i started to change but still couldn't get out,but i new i was making progress in my head! my panic attacks are horrible and wish they would leave me! my son calls them bad aliens in mummy's head and we need to get them out, i worry about everything and i pick and make excuse's for every situation,i have crazy thoughts that make no sense at all then that makes me worry Evan more, some days i think im going mad and i will be like this forever. my thoughts are still very much with me and i start to shake i try to control them and hope it goes and hope for a better day the next day,i used to love being on my own but now i hate it i hate my boys being away from me and my partner i cant wait for him to come home thats mad whats that all about lol!!??? i am very confused as to why my nerves and anxiety have come back to get me,my head is all over the place but i can nearly get to the bottom of the road now on my bike i have done that for a week now,i dont no why im bad in the house but able to walk out the door whats going on lol
i will leave it there,i am looking forward to getting to no the site and hope to meet some new people.
thanks for reading
take care all
love me xxx

09-09-10, 11:27
Hi em2

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-09-10, 12:48
I gave up trying to figure out my anxiety a long time ago! I have no reason to feel anxious yet I still do. I
f you're anything like me then once the anxiety flares up (for whatever reason) then you get caught in a cycle of fear - feeling anxious about being anxious.
My GP told me that anxiety sufferers have a different threshold i.e. whereas a non-anxiety sufferer may feel a bit nervous about something and then it passes, an anxiety sufferer will spiral out of control.
It sounds like you have a lovely home life.
Maybe try to take the positives out of each day - that's what I try to do. I keep a diary & write down what was good about the day i.e. whether I had something to eat, whether I was sick, how I managed at work etc. At the very least it will pass a bit of time.

Take care


Fly away Katie
09-09-10, 13:56
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

Vanilla Sky
09-09-10, 18:56
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x