View Full Version : Can neck tension cause constant light headedness ?

09-09-10, 12:27
Can neck tension cause constant light headedness ?

If so can it be reduced by any techniques apart from the obvoius massage route ?

Thanks for your help

09-09-10, 15:22
Yes, it can cause dizziness Brook. There is a muscle in the neck called the sternocleidomastoid (bit of a mouthful I know) and tension in it can cause all sorts of sensory disturbances. There are also sensory nerves in the top of the neck/back of the head that can cause dizziness due to muscle tension.

09-09-10, 17:02
Ive had constant light-headedness for about six years now. My neck always seems to be stiff and tense so i presume its that causing it.
Dont have a clue how to get rid of it though, ive tried so many things so i cant help you but just thought i would let you know that i get it too.

09-09-10, 19:37
Hi ,

Experiencing same sort of symptoms and have had them for a while now..

neck and shoulders are tense leading up to the back of my head causing headaches..

try some light excerise .. walking .. swimming ..

try some stretches to loosen up the muscles.. and drink lots of water

Hope these tips help

10-09-10, 09:14
Thanks for your posts. I have had it for about the same amount of time (six years) and have tried every kind of medical and non medical treatment to get rid of it !
Nothing has worked and in the end it has been put down to chronic stress.
I have just been put on Citalopram but I believe it takes a few weeks to take effect.
Good to hear I am not the only one with it !

12-09-10, 16:14
ive been getting this too!!!! loads of tension in my neck and dizziness and its horrid :mad:

12-09-10, 17:08
I have this too, and have had for about 4 months now, it's getting a little better at the moment with the citalopram and the odd diazapam. Basically my neck muscles spasmed out on me a few months back and hit my occipital nerves (the nerves that sit right at the base of your skull at the back in that nobbly bit) these nerves are terrors and can cause all kinds of sensations in your head, including a feeling of wetness, or cold, sometimes like you've hit a funny bone in your head, as well as pressure.