View Full Version : Weak right leg and numb big toe

09-09-10, 13:57
For months I have been struggling with a painful weak right leg. The pain runs down the front, top of my leg and is not always in the same place. The top of my big toe down by the joint is also numb. I get this feeling like my leg needs to jerk around and it feels weak all the time. I keep telling myself that it is probably anxiety or at worst a some pinched nerves but I have no back pain and I am starting to worry about all the bad neuro diseases or the big C. Can anyone relate, talk some sense into me please. I have been under a lot of mental anguish with anxiety over this and I can't afford a trip to the doctor. Please talk some sense into me.

09-09-10, 14:50
Can't relate fully but I get something similar where my leg hurts suddenly, and i feel like it's clicked out of place onto a nerve and needs clicking back. The more i concentrate on it, the worse it gets.

Could be something as simple as sleeping in the wrong position?

09-09-10, 15:40
Thanks for the response. I am just freaking out that this is MS or something worse. Does anyone have any insight since I am really trying hard not to google.

09-09-10, 23:51
Sorry for the annoyance I could just use some rational input. Does DVT or PAD come and go? Does MS or ALS come and go? Anyone? Thanks in advance!!