View Full Version : Things you do when starting to feel anxious/to make yourself feel better..

09-09-10, 14:01
A couple of days ago this was posted on this forum

"You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die."

An absolutely cracking thing to post.
Ever since then when I've been feeling anxious I try to memorise that quote and say it slowly in my head - I also sing a bit of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds in my head
"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."

That, along with some slow breathing and rational thinking always helps see me through when I feel like that in work (an office environment).
Maybe also some sucking on mints or so plus a little sip of water and distraction is my favoured remedy.

09-09-10, 14:35
A very good saying. But what happens when everything around you feels like it's trying to scare you in your mind? I know that's the anxious mind kicking in hard but how do you cope?

misty rainbow
09-09-10, 15:08
thank you 4 that i only came on this site yesterday its very helpful 2 read positive things like that when yr sufferin bad with anxiety like me. misty rainbow x x