View Full Version : Panicking about lymph nodes, will you hear me out

09-09-10, 14:12
I am a 25 year old female. I've had a massive headflu lately during which time I've noticed swollen lymph nodes in the groin, neck, and armpit. I've newly noticed a lump in my left breast which I have made an apptment to get checked out, and am hoping it's hormonal since I am due for my TOTM in a few days. Today and yesterday I have noticed lymph nodes running down my left arm from the armpit to the elbow, and some teeny ones from the elbow towards my wrist.

I am PANICKING about this. I can't find them as easily in the right. Do you think it could be still related to getting over my flu, or to the lump in my breast? I am in such a state right now I can't get over this.

09-09-10, 14:39
Last time i had a cold i ended up with little lumps at the back of my neck and i freaked out about them thinking it was something awful. I try to think of it as a good sign now - i'm glad my body is fighting back, but it's difficult when they come up somewhere new.

My mum had a lump in her breast last month, all it was was a swollen milk gland - the doctor can check all your lumps and bumps, but it might just all be fluid from flu!

09-09-10, 16:21
It s common for Lymph nodes to swell up when you are ill .Thats what they do .they fight infection .The breast lump is something else .9out of 10 cases its nothing serious ,ive had three ..Get plenty of vitamin c it will help your immunity .It can take a while to recover after Flu .Also get plenty of sleep ,the body heals quicker .T/C LOVE Sue :)