View Full Version : Health Anxiety

09-09-10, 15:33
Hi All,

I am new to this forum, and was looking for some reassurance really.

In the last 6 weeks, I have had one thing or another happening to me, and all that I I come back to is that I have a cancer of one form or another....this comes from having blood in my stool, went on to have a colonoscopy to find a polyp which was benign...therefore problem solved.

Then spotting between periods on my first pack of pills after a baby...again, on second pack - the spotting has stopped and therefore problem solved,

Now, I have found lump behind my ear of which the Dr says is glands and will go down after a week or two, but I convince myself it is something more and that I am going to die. I am constantly checking my neck and head for further lumps. I am so tense I am sure it doesn't help, my head, neck and shoulders constantly ache.

To give you some of my back ground I have recently had my second baby and I think I am suffering from a bit of postnatal depression for which I have medication for.

Does anyone else have these same fears??

09-09-10, 15:34
Hi KJE2282

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-09-10, 15:41
I don't think i'm able to give you advice.
I am able to let you know that somebody gives you support and cares about you.
Bless.. ..

Vanilla Sky
09-09-10, 18:54
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

09-09-10, 20:55
i have had exactly the same problems as this for years, like lumps that have turned out to be swollen glands, palpatations etc etc
i'm only 17, so the doctor referred me for counselling and it helped massively, but im still very anxious and am currently having a problem with an irregular heartbeat and breathlessness. Dont know whether its anxiety or something more but im trying to stay calm and am going to see the doctor. Theres plenty of people in our position so i wouldnt worry too much :)