View Full Version : spot / scar tissue on skin or could it be skin cancer?

09-09-10, 16:30
well one of my favourite health anxieties is rearing its ugly head and wondered if anyone could offer some advice or reassurance?

I've had a red raised spot for some time now and I've been worrying about it as I'm not quite sure what it is, due to my worries I have picked it a few times to see if its a spot with puss it it and its not so its healed a few times and maybe it could be the remnance of scar tissue from previous pickings (apologies for detail) and I have monitored it for the last three months and thankfully it hasn't grown any bigger. I've been to 3 different dr's about it and they aren't concerned but one of the things they did mention to monitor is if it itches, well what do you class as an itchiness that is that is suspcious? as the leg the spot is on itched today so I itched it but I don't know whether that should concern me ?(obviously it did as I'm worried the dr's might be overlooking a cancerous mole) is it an itch that is so irritating you cannot stop etc??? any advice greatly appreciated!

09-09-10, 20:21
i had the same, a pink spot that was hard. to me, it was skin cancer. after many visits to doctors I got it taken off and it was just scar tissue from a boil I hadnt noticed. Here are some things that might help you from my own experince/ knowledge from googling excessively!:
1. It most certainly now be scar tissue from previous pickings
2. If you have been to 3 different doctors then i wouldnt be worried. think about how many years they have been a doctor, how many patients they have seen with skin cancer. You hear all the stories "my doctor didn't notice this" but this is RARE. If it was serious they would let you know, because if they avoided it they would risk being sued for malpractice.
3. Malignant melonoma occurs in moles or is a dark patch that looks like a mole. So your spot is not malignant melanoma. Cell Carcinoma's are pink, but it would have grown, and would be crusty, ulcerating etc. Cancer is abnormal growth; if you leave it, it grows. Cell Carcinoma also rarely metatise, so even if it was they would just whip it out anyway.
4. I know it is hard to find peace of mind when the worst seems so sure. If it is really really bad maybe suggest trying to find a doctor who will take it off for you. When you have a minor op they always send the tissue away for tests so then you would get a definate scientific answer and not a doctors opinion, which for us is never enough!

hope that helps

10-09-10, 01:13

Like Ellie said, if you've seen three doctors and none are concerned then it's most likely to be nothing serious :) Remember that they are trained to pick up on any symptoms of prettymuch anything so having three opinions that are the same is a pretty sure sign that it's not cancer!

They may have mentioned to monitor if it itches because generally sores and things get itchy when they get infected (which is NOT dangerous I must add, don't worry about an infection in a sore!). They may just be concerned that because of your anxiety, if it does get infected it will be there for longer and worry you even more! Have you tried putting some antiseptic on it and a bandaid so that it prevents an infection and stops you from picking at it so it has time to heal?