View Full Version : movicol,, do not read if eating

09-09-10, 18:32
:blush:ive been put on movicol as got ibs and it ment to be good for constipation, well ive been taking it , it works but im very very loose,, will it stop my birth pill from working or any of my other med as im on toliet every hour and half i reckon, sorry for the detail. i take three a day ,, but you can take six ,, my days that would blow my bowels, lol, they are powders you put in water,

blue moon
09-09-10, 22:48
Hello,I have taken Movicol,for constipation and it is not very nice to drink but it sure worked...lol.As far as I know it does'nt effect your meds.
Love Petra x:D

10-11-10, 10:36
If Movicol is working that well I would ask your GP to try you with Senna which is gentler on your bowels as it is a natural remedy.

In my many years working as a carer I saw some bad reactions to movicol as well as no reactions at all. I would imagine that being "cleared out" like that won't do the other medications you take any favours, my route would be to talk to my GP for definate.