View Full Version : Back on the meds :(

09-09-10, 18:32
Went to see my gp this morning (ive been struggling) Came off meds about 3 months ago after 7 years of being on them, 5 on citalopram and 2 on sertraline. Put me back on citalopram and goin to prescribe 2 weeks of diaz to get me through these next couple of weeks (ive got exams) Feel like ive failed.

09-09-10, 19:40
Nearly had to run out of a lecture this aft, felt like i was going to burst in to tears (although i have been unable to have a good cry for ages) Luckily it finished and i came home.

09-09-10, 19:47
Hiya. :)

Don't feel bad, you haven't failed at anything. Seriously.

It's not a competition, and it's not a race to see who can manage to get over and stay over anxiety.
It's a normal thing to have anxiety and ours just sometimes blows up more than others..doesn't mean to say it will stay that way!

It will pass again..promise. Relax, stop knocking yourself do what you have to do until you feel able to manage things again.

Which you will :flowers:

09-09-10, 19:51
Ta. Just after comin off them after 7 years felt like such an achievement and the thought of the withdrawals is making me worry even more. Suffered really bad with em last time.Xx

09-09-10, 20:00
I can imagine.

I started Citalopram earlier this year after more than 20 years of not taking anything, although I acknowledged that I needed medication at that time, I felt like I had totally failed.

I think we know in our heart of hearts that we haven't done any such thing..we just excell at beating ourselves over the head at every opportunity!

Although Im no expert on withdrawals I would advise against assuming that it's going to be bad this time..it may well not be and you might be pleasantly surprised.

If not, well..you are prepared and know that it won't go on for ever. You have the upper hand, just wait and see how things go.
Concentrate on the here and now, not a few months down the line. :)

09-09-10, 20:03
Im very good at beating myself up. Lol. How are you findin being on medication? Has it sorted you out?

09-09-10, 20:10
Well, don't know about sorting me out..:D

I was actually put on it because of an extreme bout of depression, I had become suicidal.

I think it did give me a little bit of head space so to speak and lifted my mood enough for me to make some lifestyle changes, nothing massive but trying to do things a different way.

I would say though that you need to work alongside with it, learning how to relax properly (yes, I actually had to force myself to learn :blush:) and trying to change my attitude in how I viewed my anxiety and agoraphobia.

Try not to be too down on yourself, it isn't easy but you are doing the best you can to deal with how you feel at the moment.

Try to wait and see how you feel but also avoid making comparisons with last time..whats past is past.
