View Full Version : irregular heart beat, tight chest and throat, help!

09-09-10, 21:18
ive always suffered from palpatations and worries about my health in general. I've had a very stressful two weeks and ive started to get moments where my heart skips a beat, thuds, sometimes quite a few times in a row and seems to go very slow, then goes back to normal. My chest also goes tight and i feel like im struggling to breathe. I have a good feeling its anxiety related, but i have read other things in which the symptoms match up. I'm thinking about going to the doctors. Was just wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms?

10-09-10, 01:22
Definitely sounds anxiety related to me! I get the exact same things with anxiety :) It really sucks because there are so many other things that we see that it could be related to, but it is much more likely than anything else to be anxiety. If it's worrying you a lot check in with your doctor for some reassurance :) They know a lot about the differences between anxiety symptoms and how they manifest because so many people suffer from it and mistake it for other illnesses!

Hazel B
10-09-10, 12:33
Anxiety does this, I was waking up 4 times a night with a pulse over 100bpm. I struggled for weeks on my own, tried deep breathing, meditation etc then realised I could not cope and saw my doctor. I am now on meds that are helping and also started to see a counsellor to offload pain and worries from deep inside me.
Meds are not for everyone, but please do talk to your doctor and ask for advice.

16-09-10, 20:54
thanks for the help guys :) xxx