View Full Version : High White Blood Cell Count

09-09-10, 21:37
I had some blood tests done about a month ago and I saw my GP about them last week and my White Blood Cell Count was something like 13,000, A normal White Blood Cell Count would be between 4,000 and 11,000.

I've got to have another blood test done in 10 days, This also worries me as it could indicate Cancer or Leukaemia.

Anyone on here ever had a high White Blood Cell Count?

10-09-10, 00:17
hi ya...
the white cell count is something im familiar with basically because i did extensive research on it whilst pregnant & its another reason i refused blood tests during pregnancy (until i had no choice)
anyway, a high white cell count usually only indicates leukemia if you also have abnormal platelets.
If you have abnormal platelets, a low red cell count and high white cell count they'd perform a bone marrow biopsy..
if you just have a high WBC then you'll be tested for infection.. leukemia presents itself with either a high count + abnormal platelets or all 3 abnormalities- it generally doesnt just show as a high white cell count.

hope this reassures you xxx

paula lynne
10-09-10, 00:22
Hi, white high count usually means your body is fighting infection x

10-09-10, 00:59
I had high bloods on a normal blood test, they didnt seem suprised and said it was fine

27-09-13, 14:40
hope you dont mind bumping this but found this
got the same as the OP my wbc was 13 so I assume 13,000 as got told normal was 11
rest of blood, platelets, hemoglobin (sp) etc was fine
doc has put me on antibitoics as he thinks infection but only had them about 5 weeks ago
as usual am freaking as all other fbc have been fine
doc said nothing to worry about but internet says its raised and not good

27-09-13, 15:22
Hi there,

I often have a high WBC when I get the results of a blood test. Then they re check me a week later and it has dropped again.

Leukemia is a no no. My aunt had a blood test and she was referred to hospital as soon as the blood test results came back as she was diagnosed with leukemia. They wouldn't ask you back in 10 days if they suspected you had leukemia.

27-09-13, 15:39
Hi there,

I often have a high WBC when I get the results of a blood test. Then they re check me a week later and it has dropped again.

Leukemia is a no no. My aunt had a blood test and she was referred to hospital as soon as the blood test results came back as she was diagnosed with leukemia. They wouldn't ask you back in 10 days if they suspected you had leukemia.

thanks, could it be sign og any other nasties?

27-09-13, 16:04
High white cells is a sign of infection. If it was at all suspicious, your platelets and red cells would be off (low) as well. Your whole blood count would be totally askew.

Try not to speculate or diagnose what else it could be. The main thing is that you are being treated with antibiotics, which should knock it on the head. Incidentally, it is not uncommon to need a second lot of antibiotics after a previous one. Some infections don't respond/clear totally with one type of antibiotic, but do with another course/different drug.

Get well soon!:)

27-09-13, 16:13
thanksd :)

27-09-13, 16:22
thanks, could it be sign og any other nasties?

I would think that it is an infection of some kind. Do you have a cold, or a sniffle or anything?

27-09-13, 20:25
I would think that it is an infection of some kind. Do you have a cold, or a sniffle or anything?

No thats why I was worried

29-09-13, 16:29
cant carry on like this woke up okayish noticed wasting on arm and hand that was new (know it sound crazy) http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/76663936/file.html# but soon as had breakfast I felt sick, then went to coffee shop had coffee and felt like I was gonna throw up. In fact i could quite easily gone and chucked.Was really quiet so people knew something was wrong, then had to suffer a movie feeling awful. Just got this horrible feeling that I am seriously ill and the end is near. Its not normal to be feeling like crying on a sunday afternoon doc will only give me the bs about anxiety but eating and drinking shouldnt do this to me