View Full Version : A lesson to us all.....

09-09-10, 22:41
So, having had CBT this year and made a fab recovery, I found myself in a relapse.

With stiff muscles and night time jerking, and a mum with Parkinson's, I google.

Great news - one of the early signs of Parkinsons is something I didn't know about. But exhibit. (I dont do details cos I have HA - I know that at least one person will read and go down the same thought process that I did today!)

So, my world falls apart again. I know that you guys know what my morning was like, but I was lucky and saw a new GP at my surgery today, whose specialism was neurology.

She was brilliant and did some basic tests. The end result was a list of misinterpreted (by me) symptoms. And I know a lot about Parkinsons cos my mum has it.

Point - when you read stuff you just dont really know what it means, we are not trained. So twitching, numbness, jerking, rigid muscles...they all present differently in different diseases - but we read or hear and think we know what it means...but we are not trained and we are anxious.

My things are often nerve based, but heart pounding etc all can be misinterpreted.

I am not better, and wonder why I worry about MS or Parkinsons etc etc, when anxiety cripples me more than anything, but hope to help you all (and me) by pointing out just how wrong I was today, and have been so many times, with RA, cancer, MS, MND etc etc

Whats the next disease I wonder?!

10-09-10, 02:29
Are you going to have cbt again?

10-09-10, 07:09
I think so