View Full Version : ive had enough,,WHY!!!help!!

10-09-10, 00:51
ive had a really good couple of weeks. i faced my fear, and went away , came back feeling refreshed and for the first time things just got better and better and anxiety basically fizzled out!! last few days though, ive not had it as bad however theres almost been a few thoughts just haunting me...back of my mind. i have very vivid dreams that leave me most of the time feeling afraid...of what i dont know.! i keep thinking about reality etc. how everything works...how i work even.

im carrying on with normal life i think. panic has not happened but im just scared all the time!! why has it come back, i keep asking!! its weird. i dreamt the world was ending the other night. i woke up crying, it was so real, ive convinced myself something bad is going to happen. i watch the sky everyday wondering if its normal!!
i know this sounds strange but every so often i have flash backs to dreams i had when i was younger, i also get instant memories from my childhood and wonder if they were real or dreams?? i cant understand why. it all seems so scary and sereal.

does anyone out there experience these effects from dreams.?? question reality? sometimes im scared to go to sleep. i find comfort in movies etc but then freak that my mind is getting frazzled and im getting cought up in to many films! lol. i feel stupid saying all this now but i just want it to go away!. crying helps me with anxiety..a release ..but i cant seem to cry at the moment but i feel i need to!! omg. sorry for the essay but i just dont know anymore. am i crazy!! im functioning normally but these are lingering thoughts at the moment.

10-09-10, 01:27
hi.I just joined the site today.It sounds like you're thoughts are out of control.I can relate to your problem because my thoughts seem to be erratic and unstoppable.Remember to try and physically calm yourself down though.Tell yourself you're in no danger and breathe deeply before your thoughts and resulting actions escalate into that crippling anxiety and panic.Sometimes i find it difficult to determine the reality of a situation too,like your dreams.I hope things improve for you and you regain some clarity.This seems like a friendly site eh?

Take good care,

Chris x

10-09-10, 08:27
hi im exactly the same i have vivid dreams alot mostly about scary things then the next day im a nervous wreck , i had 2 great days without anxiety and 2 day im bk 2 square 1 because of strange thoughts and dreams ?
i know this does'nt help ur situation but at least it lets u know ur not alone
kt x

10-09-10, 08:39
Hey, don't worry theres not a person on this site who hasnt thought im mad! were not we have complew and differing versions of a similar disease which like say diabetes can be controlled understood and eventually overcome.
Do you take seroxat? cause they will give you very long complicated dreams sos you wake up feeling like you didnt rest because you were just dreaming all night.
try to challenge your thoughts I say' I accept that this is just part of my illness, it is not who I am' .
hope that helps.
ps. I am on a bad one today so believe me i know how you feel.

10-09-10, 08:40
should have wrtten complex instead of complew

10-09-10, 13:37
I'm exactly the same as you to a T and it's not only dreams it's reality aswell. As in I'll get scared just thinking about something mundane, especially when my anxiety is in full swing!

I think I'm going mad as well but the way I see it if you and me and lots of others are all suffering the same thing, we can't ALL be going crazy. We all have anxiety and together we can help each other.