View Full Version : The feelings/symptoms of anxiety

10-09-10, 02:27
I would like to know what everyones anxiety feels like mostly.

For me, the main thing i feel throughout the day is like i have low blood sugar in which i dont because i have been checked out for hypoglycemia. It feels like you have not ate but not hungry just really weak throughout body and feel like you could pass out. That is what i feel like off and on all day long.

I experience it all at some point but the other main ones are, needle like pains that come and go over heart and chest, clammy feet, and lightheaded dizzy, or unfocused feeling like you are just waking up for the day.

Would like to hear everyone elses on exactly what they constantly feel the most.

10-09-10, 04:27

My anxiety brings on heart palpitations, something I am not comfortable with at all, and this means I generally spend every waking moment focused on them! And I get pins and needles and hot sensations in my arms and pains in my chest and every now and then I will get a hot flush kind of feeling and feel like I'm going to faint.

I used to think there was something medically wrong with me until I found support and information such as is on this site!

10-09-10, 09:37

I feel light headed most of the day, i also feel unfocused and like iv just woken up. I get horrible head rushes and sometimes pins and needles. I feel on edge like something bad is going to happen

love mandie x

10-09-10, 10:57
it's such a frustrating feeling isn't it?! like soo tired and weak, nauseaus but at the same time I feel like I can't sit still I want to pace around but then I think maybe I should conserve my energy so I don't pass out
I think for me the frustration comes from the doubt that this is 'just' anxiety not some physical illness

10-09-10, 13:39
My anxiety when it's at full swing just makes me sweat, worry, turn my stomach upside down and make me want to cry and lose control.

When it's just running normally it just makes my thoughts strange and terrifying for NO real reason. Odd.

10-09-10, 15:45
When I start to feel anxious I am always aware of my tight throat/pay a lot of attention to it, also my stomach starts to go and I get minor chest pains.

10-09-10, 18:51
I get pins and needles, go all sweaty and shakey. Then theres the racing thoughts that you cant control and the urgent need to run to the nearest toilet. Its a vicious circle.Xx