View Full Version : Worried about Septicaemia for some reason

10-09-10, 02:38
I have had toothache lately and i'm worried now, I don't think i have a tooth abcess but one of my teeth is decayed.

I know tooth abscesse's can cause Septicaemia, My face would swell up if i had a tooth abcess wouldn't it?

I've been feeling ill for 5-6 days (Been feeling really ill for 2-3 days) I saw a doctor yesterday.

If I had something like Septicaemia wouldn't something have happened to me by now?

10-09-10, 11:00
Well i went to the walk-in centre and said i have had chills and a temperature and i am still feeling unwell, My temperature was taken along with my pulse but obviously no mention of Septicaemia was made, Two of the main symptoms of Septicaemia are a high temperature and fast heart rate.

I have to go back to the walk-in centre this afternoon to have some blood tests done for things like thyroid and anaemia etc.

paula lynne
10-09-10, 11:50
ok, try third time to send u a message! You do not have scept..sounds like you have a virus or bug...drink plenty of water and take paracetamol every 4-6 hrs for your temp...eat lite meals like soup and toast. I promise you, if you had scept the doctor would have spotted it. You mentioned recently about high white cell count, that indicates your body is fighting infection...you sound like youve got a bug. Hope u get this!!:hugs:

10-09-10, 17:33
Thank you for your message Paula, I sent you a private message, I received your private messsages :-)

It's not just Septicaemia i am worried about but Endocarditis, The reason being is my teeth are not in great condition because i have had cysts removed from my jaw and stuff in the past, I know Endocarditis can be caused by your teeth and bacteria in your mouth.

paula lynne
10-09-10, 20:54
Hi I think your worries about endocarditis are valid- you must seek a solution to the dripping puss/tum problems/tonsils etc. PLEASE dont panic, endocaditis is just inflammation, which would be happening IF puss was going from your throat into your stomach. Ultimaetly I think this is steming from your tonsillectomy, so please c your gp. Sorry bt spelling. Take paracetemol for temp. wet flannels on head. just a sheet to cover. No-wonder u dont feel like eating...please have soup or a build up shake from boots the chemist...I PROMISE YOU YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE...this is just infection it can affact all the bodies systems. xxx:hugs:

10-09-10, 22:03
This is what i have read about Endocarditis:-

Endocarditis is a rare but serious condition where the inner lining of the heart becomes inflamed. This is usually as a result of a bacterial infection, but can, less commonly, be caused by a fungal infection.
Symptoms of endocarditis include flu-like symptoms such as a high temperature (fever) and chills, fatigue and a shortness of breath.
Endocarditis is a potentially serious condition because the inflammation (swelling) that occurs inside the heart can interrupt the normal blood flow through the heart valves. This can trigger a range of complications such as:

heart failure (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Heart-failure/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
stroke (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Stroke/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
multiple organ damage

How common is endocarditis?

Endocarditis is a rare condition. In England, for example, endocarditis is estimated to affect fewer than 10 people in every 100,000 in any given year. You are more likely to develop endocarditis in the following cases.

If you have a prosthetic (artificial) heart valve. Prosthetic heart valves are increasingly being used to treat a range of heart conditions, such as stenosis (where one of the valves of the heart narrows).
If you have congenital heart disease (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Congenital-heart-disease/Pages/Introduction.aspx) (CHD). Congenital heart disease is when a person is born with heart defects.
If you have previously experienced damaged to the valves of your heart, due to infection or heart disease.
If you are an intravenous (injecting) drug user. People who regularly inject themselves with heroin are three times more likely to develop endocarditis than the population at large.

Endocarditis is more common in older people, with half of all cases occurring in people who are over 50. However, cases of endocarditis have been recorded in children, particularly those who are born with congenital heart disease. Twice as many men are affected by endocarditis as women.
Endocarditis is regarded as a medical emergency and usually requires admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). Intravenous antibiotics are usually used to treat the underlying infection. Just under half of all people with endocarditis will require surgery to repair the damage to their heart.

Unfortunately, the outlook for endocarditis is not favourable. This is because the condition is life-threatening and is challenging to treat. An estimated one in five people with endocarditis will die as a result of complications that arise from the condition. In England and Wales, approximately 300 deaths are caused by endocarditis each year.
If you are at significant risk of developing endocarditis, it is important to take basic precautions to limit your exposure to harmful bacteria, for example, by brushing your teeth regularly. Some cases of endocarditis are triggered by poor dental hygiene after an infection in the mouth spreads to the heart via the blood. See the section on preventing endocarditis (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Endocarditis/Pages/Prevention.aspx) for more information.

So Endocarditis is very serious and causes heart failure and multiple organ failure, I have to wait another 5-6 days for my blood test results, I hope it isn't too late.

I don't seem to have any pus dripping in my mouth, I did last week but none this week that i know if and my tonsils have gone down slightly.

paula lynne
10-09-10, 22:33
If I get anything, I look it up. Am then convinced am going to die. Youd think I would know better being an ex-nurse! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Please c your dentist, am convinced this is either to do with your tonsils, or its a bug. You do not, in my opinion, have scept, or endocarditis. Your blood tests should relieve you of your anx. Please dont read up on things...it only aid paranoia...take paracetammol for temp, fluids, and rest. all the best x dont know where my last long message went?? cant get th grips with this...x:winks: