View Full Version : not being around for our children....

10-09-10, 11:50
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....other mums and dads....im so sure i am not alone in this anxiety....i am oh so scared that i will not be around for my daughter!

i cannot get it out of my head if i get ill again and die wot would happen to her....and it consumes my every waking moment.

thankfully i have been referred to cbt and hopefully they can bring me back to the present and not four years ago.

just wanted to see if any mums and dads on here have this anxiety over our health and not being around for our children.:weep:

paula lynne
10-09-10, 11:55
Hi Im new....I think we all feel anxiety about our children, and worrying about them is part of loving them so intensly...you are normal!! hopefully cbt will help..enjoy them and focus on the positives, I know thats obvious but try...hope the clouds lift for you soon. x:winks:

10-09-10, 12:02
thank you oh so much....mine has gone into overdrive and is not healthy for me or for kerrylouise...i am constantly in a state of high anxiety....yes we all love them so intensly...but i do need to address it.....i have gone back to four years ago when i had major health problems needs to be addressed and with cbt i am confident that it will be sorted:D

paula lynne
10-09-10, 12:06
I listen to "feel the fear and do it anyway" on tape by susan jeffers...its ten years old and I still use it. I would recommend it, much easier than reading a book when youre anxious...can take words in, but on tape its great...lie in quiet room. Hope you can get hold of a copy...x keep your chin up, you will be on your way to the top very soon Im sure x:hugs:

10-09-10, 14:51
Yes - that is what my anxiety feeds on :(

I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 10 month old and its why I have health anxiety.

You are far from alone xxx

10-09-10, 15:03
me :( :( mine has got so severe since i had my 3rd boy, 13 weeks ago :( :(

your definately not alone xxx

10-09-10, 15:11
thank you for your replies and yes i think a cd would be good to have xxxx

oh guys...its so hard isnt it....to remain "normal" whatever "normal" is for our children.

we are not alone and we are here for each other and that is oh so good...do keep in touch....it does help when we all know wot we are going through xxxxx

10-09-10, 16:16
Oh big time Calm, I'm completely up there with you.
I don't remember ever feeling like this until I had my 2 boys 5 and 4 years ago and it's just got worse and worse.
I sometimes get to a point of rationalness (is that a word?) where I can tell myself to pack it in and stop wasting time being anxious about something that may not happen, just wish it was all the time.

10-09-10, 19:43
i know exactly where you are coming from xxxxx kerrylouise has to go on two buses (public) and my nerves are in shreds...she goes with friends and is safe..but hey...the mind....a special friend on here said its like having "ocd" of the mind....and she is completely right....it sums it up perfectly xxxxx

being a parent we all worry...but i think, well for me, its gone into overdrive!

lots of love to you all....lets stick together xxxx