View Full Version : What times of the day is your anxiety at its worst?

10-09-10, 12:16
I have found that my anxiety seems to start getting better in the evening - especially late evening towards bed time. Its worst in the morning.

What times of the day is everyone elses anxiety at it's best/worst?

Moonlight xx

Hazel B
10-09-10, 12:17
Morning is worst for me, I always hated waking up!

10-09-10, 12:19
I have been told that the mornings are always worst for anxiety sufferers. The best thing to do is to get up and have a shower and pre-occupy your mind.

10-09-10, 12:32
Mornings are terrible, by night time i feel like i dont want to sleep because then i have to wake up and do it all again..x

Fly away Katie
10-09-10, 12:33
Morning and Evening are the worst for me. I wake up and remember my aches and pains and worries... and that sets thing off.. then afternoon is bearable... by evening its bad again cus i dont have anything much to occupy my mind x x x

10-09-10, 12:37
Evenings were awful before I was put back on sertraline. Now I seem to perk up in the evenings and get a bit more optimistic. I do get that feeling of - 'I don't want to go to sleep because I'll wake up anxious and I'll have to deal with that all morning' though. I have a chamomille tea before bed and that tends to help a bit. Euch the mornings!!

My Mum suffers from anxiety too and hers is always terrible in the mornings.

M xxx

Hazel B
10-09-10, 12:42
I take my beta-blocker, have a shower, eat brekkie then log in here as it helps calm me down.
Night will soon come...........

10-09-10, 15:22
i feel ok when i first get up and i can feel great but then it always gets bad around early evening, 4-5ish, then by later on its always on my mind :( :(

10-09-10, 15:29
for me its most definately the mornings up until around 4ish....the evenings are much more calmer...i think it maybe due to the knowledge that i have got through the day.

i am hoping that with the increase in meds that it may start getting better earlier in the day...isnt it strange how we all work so different ...if goes to show how unique and special we all are xxxxxx

10-09-10, 18:56
Night time is the worst for me. I'm okay in the mornings, unless I had to do something that day that made me anxious.

10-09-10, 23:34
Evenings are worse for me. During the day i can get up and get out to distract myself, but in the evening i end up at home (over)thinking. Also with HA i feel there is less support as you can't call your doctor, or "drop by" the hospital if something plays up at night.

10-09-10, 23:53
as soon as i get up and at around 6pm-9pm, i kind of manage to get to sleep normally

20-09-10, 10:48
Morning and Evening are the worst for me. I wake up and remember my aches and pains and worries... and that sets thing off.. then afternoon is bearable... by evening its bad again cus i dont have anything much to occupy my mind x x x

Same here. When I wake up, I check to see if I am ok or foggy - wish that wasn't the first thing I thought of! And then put pressure on myself that I am going to have a good day today! And as the evening wears on, I start to worry that I may not be able to sleep well. Got an appointment with my GP later today, going to have a good chat with her and discuss my meds. xxx

20-09-10, 12:48
Mornings for me.....that initial anxiety wave when I wake is horrible. As the day goes on I feel better, but then just at that point I lay down to sleep up comes the anxiety again, heart racing, mind buzzing, etc. :doh:

20-09-10, 13:07
it looks like so many of us have this 1st thing in the morning. for me its like a blanket of fear....what will today bring...i know i should be embracng life and i did oh so much for the last four years i have been absolutely fine...loving life and thanking god for it every single day.

i dread going to bed as evenings i am kind of ok....i wait until i am ready to collapse before i go up....i do pray that tomorrow will be a better day....i know he will listen if i keep on saying it long enough xxxxxx

20-09-10, 19:06
late evening and early morning as in 12-6 am

22-09-10, 21:23
for me its evening as i fear dying in my sleep

22-09-10, 21:27
If i get through the nite without waking,its the morning when my anxiety is usualy bad

22-09-10, 21:58
its the morning with me, the eveing is when it eases for me ,because i tend to be more relaxed,so be relaxed in the morning ,and dont get anxiety,if it was only that easy .

23-09-10, 00:10
Evenings are worse for me. During the day i can get up and get out to distract myself, but in the evening i end up at home (over)thinking.

Exactly this.